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Sorry my hand slipped

Alastor's POV

Most days I find myself checking in on my home. Before this litte mortal moved in, I barely ever checked on this place.

However, with her here I find myself frequenting it quite often.

Much to my disappointment, she seems to be taking our agreement quite seriously. She takes special care of the entire house, keeping it clean.

She also makes sure not to break or touch much if she can help it.

I'm convinced that's why I check on her so see if she slips up. Then I can have a little bit of proper fun punishing her.

But such luck.

Although I visit almost every day, in the two weeks she's lived here she's only interacted with me those first two times.

I think she's beginning to feel more comfortable now, she probably thinks I've forgotten her.

As of right now, I'm hiding in the shadows of the living room, watching her closely. She was currently reading one of my old novels.

One of my favorites.

As I watched her, I narrowed my eyes. My smile widened, now here's a game...

If she so happens to even so much as crease a page in this novel, I will punish her. She gave me no deal, no rules on our arrangement.

So I can do whatever I want, when I want.

But my smile slowly lessened the more I watched her. An hour passed of her just quietly reading.

Boredom set in and I found myself wanting to reveal myself to her and bother her. However as I tuned into her soft breathing I put a pause on my plans.

I was halfway between being visible and not, my brows furrowing.

Her breaths were soft and even, her face forming a calm expression. Her heartbeat was calm, and I remembered the second day I spent with her.

When I had misinterpreted her intentions...

I remember looking down at her scared face, relishing in that emotion until she spoke.

"I thought we were playing..."

Those words, for whatever reason, made a weird feeling rise in my chest. I couldn't pinpoint what the feeling was...

However, it went away once I made her lunch. I felt as if I'd made up for what I did, and she seemed to forgive me as well.

Although when I approached her, I didn't miss the spike of fear or the quickened heart beat.

I felt as if my appearance would stem that same reaction...and that's why I froze.

There was a part of me that didn't want to ruin her quiet time...that didn't want to ruin her calm moment. I didn't want to hear her heartbeat quicken, or watch her eyes fill with fear.

So, when I realized I'd made myself known for a little too long, and she perked up, I quickly retreated back into the shadows.

She turned around, a curious look on her face.

I just watched her...hidden.

She shrugged, turning back around and resuming her book.


I've spent my entire day following this mortal around.

She isn't very interesting...however, I found myself enjoying her company anyway. I still hadn't shown myself...not wanting that fearful reaction.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now