Ch 55

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He's still getting used to the whole "listening" thing.

Aria's POV

Something running its fingers through my hair woke me up.

It felt nice, and I sighed softly. I just assumed it was Alastor, since...who else would it be?

I shifted slightly, and then flipped myself over to face him. My eyes were barely open, fully prepared to go back to sleep.

But then they widened completely when there was absolutely no one there.

I shot up quickly, my heart beating out of my chest. Then I quickly became annoyed and growled under my breath.

"Alastor! That's not funny, come out!" I requested, crossing my arms. I waited for him to slither out of the shadows but...nothing.

Just silence.

An uneasy feeling set into my stomach. I'd slept through most of the afternoon, just waiting for him to come back.

Did I imagine it...?

I lowered my arms and sighed, looking towards the window. The sky was beginning to dim, and there looked to be a slight breeze blowing by.

Am I really that desperate for his touch...? That's kind of pathetic...

I pursed my lips and then turned back around, but once I did I came face to face with the shadow from earlier.

The scream that tore through my lungs was unlike anything I've ever produced before, and actually hurt my throat a bit. I scrambled backwards, away from the large creature.

Upon hearing my scream the shadow stood up straight, his ears perked up.

He looked around, confused, and I tilted my head at him the longer I watched him. My face was fixed into a terrified and confused expression and he looked back at me finally.

He tilted an eyebrow and pointed at himself.

I scoffed, exasperated.

"Yes, you! What the fuck are you doing?!" I nearly screamed at him.

He made a bunch of hand motions, his expression looking frustrated for a moment before he started doing some sort of charades.

When he was done, he looked back at me and raised his eyebrows, holding his hands out expectantly.

I shook my head.

The creature growled and then sighed. I rolled my eyes and crawled towards the edge of the bed close to him. He walked over to me and looked like he was thinking.

Then his smile widened and he held his finger up.

I stared up at him, still confused, when suddenly he grabbed me on either side of my face and tilted my head up.

What is he doing?!

I was about to protest until he leaned down and pressed his forehead against mine. I don't know whether this thing is a shadow or a creature...because it's solid, but...also a shadow?

My words caught in my throat and I clamped my mouth shut. My eyes were wide open, but his were closed. After a second he peeked one eye open at me, and then opened his other eye, keeping his eyelids lowered.

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