27. Second Chance

Start from the beginning

Jeff smiles behind his facemask. It will be a good thing if Victor could talk sweetly like this man.

He signs on his notebook.

"Thank you. Love you, Jeff."

Jeff nods his head and turns around.

Something is pressed to his back. An electric current makes him fainted. Jeff collapses into his arms.

The man smiles behind his facemask. His left hand is still holding a teaser gun.

"Naughty boy. You are mine. You shouldn't date anyone else. I'm going to lock you up. Forever."

Jeff got lifted and carries away into a small car. The masked guy has kidnapped him that evening.

The side way is a bit deserted tonight because it's going to rain.

The security guard in the apartment lobby is watching a soccer game in TV. He missed the kidnapping crime.

It starts to rain right now. All evidences shall be washed away in time.

The guy mumbles,"Even Heaven is helping me. You belong to me, Jeff. No one else could touch you. Not Charles. Not Victor Qin."

The possessive sasaeng had stolen this car on purpose. He will dump it in an alley. Switched into another car.

The police won't be able to track him down.

The kidnapper searches for Jeff's phone. He tosses it into a nearby dumpster.

"No one could trace you now. My little Jeff, you can't escape from me."

Jeff got awakened few hours later. His hands are tied to his back. His legs are tied together.

He looks around.

Is this a prank? No. The crews won't be using a device to knock me out. Am I in danger?

A masked man walks into the room. He is a chubby forty years old man.

He asks, "Are you hungry?"

Jeff shakes his head. He looks around him.

It looks like a small cramped room. The smell of salty air and mold got mixed together.

Jeff screams, "Help! Someone help me!"

The kidnapper chuckles.

He warns, "No one ever come here. Don't waste your time."

"What do you want? Money? Let me call my uncle. He will pay you."

The kidnapper kneels down. He pinches Jeff's chin. Jeff tries to bite his hand.

The guy laughs heartily.

"I love you, Jeff. You shall be mine."

"You are crazy!"

Jeff tries to kick him but he holds his calves easily. He shudders when his thighs got caressed.

"Naughty little boy. Uncle will please you. You will never forget me again."

Jeff tilts his head away when the greasy looking guy kisses him. The kiss landed on his cheek.

His phone rings and he stands up. He grabs a masking tape and covers Jeff's mouth. Preventing him to yell for help.

"Yeah, it's me. No, I'm off duty. Nope. Not at home. Find someone else."

Jeff screams at top of his lungs.

The guy at the other end heard it.

"That sound? It's nothing important. It's just a puppy I found. Not fully trained yet. Can't even bark properly."

The phone call ended. Jeff's shoulders slump. He failed to call for help.

The guy smiles when he puts his phone away into his pocket.

"Behave. And you shall enjoy it."

The guy is going to strip Jeff's clothes when his phone rings again.

"Damn it!"

He receives the call from his Boss.

"No, Sir. It's my day off. But... I've planning this activity for weeks."

He got yelled loud enough from the other side.

"Tch! Fine. I shall go to work. OTW."

The phone call ends.

The kidnapper looks at Jeff with lust shown in his eyes.

He comments, "My stupid Boss. Just stay here and wait for me. I'll be back in few hours."

The kidnapper locks the door before leaving.

Jeff looks around. He could hear sea waves crashing to shores. Must be a warehouse in port area.

He pokes the system, "Give me something to free myself."

"No item."

"Useless. Call the police to help me."

"Can't. I have no method to contact others in this world. Only you, Host."

Jeff curses the useless system in his mind over and over again.


That night, Ray told Victor that Jeff won't pick up his call. He said to clean up his own mess.

Victor calls Jeff again and again. No answer. He hacks into his phone as usual. The location is in a deserted alley.

He got a bad hunch about this.

He searches and finds the phone in a huge dumpster.

Jeff is quite stingy fellow. He won't change his phone easily.

Victor hacks into CCTVs around Jeff's apartment building. He frowns when Jeff is talking to a fat guy.

Jeff got subdued and taken into a car.

Victor hacks into a computer in police department to search the plate license. Reported stolen.

He uses various CCTVs to follow the car. Straight into another abandoned alley.

Another car emerges out from the other end of the same alley. The driver's face can't be seen.

Hardly anyone else goes to that deserted alley.

The CCTVs record end and he lost the car.

Victor creates a computer program to predict the destination of the car. He combines the program to various CCTVs in the neighborhood.

One man isn't enough to search the whole city. The CCTVs will do it for him.

He waits and waits. He hates the tech in this backwater world. The tech in his old world will be able to sum up everything in ten minutes.

Victor contacts the police and reports the kidnapping. He submitted the video as evidences. He has no hope for the police with the tech in this backwater world.

He brews coffee. It will be a long night.

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Jeff got kidnapped by a crazy sasaeng.

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