Fucking leave me Draco!

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I find myself in free fall, but luckily Hermione has got us all and she stops our fall with a spell. We are now in a large room, and I see a white arch, which Harry and Luna seems strangely attracted to. I stand up, and look for Draco with my gaze. He seems scared, and his hair isn't perfect as usual, but I know he's okay, physically. I don't even want to imagine what seeing his dad here did to him.

"Who's there?" Harry asks, looking at the arch. Luna nods. "I hear someone too". I walk up to them, but I don't hear anything. "No one is there" I say. Harry isn't convinced, but I can't think about it because the Death Eater have followed us here.

We all lie down, trying to protect Harry and the prophecy, but I feel an arm on myself and suddenly Mom is holding my arms to stop me from moving. I look around, everyone else has got a Death Eater on themselves. "Mom" I try to say, but she shushes me.

In the center, near the arch, Harry is alone with Lucius. Draco is hiding behind the stones near Neville. I don't think Lucius knows he's here, luckily. He's very manipulative.

"Come on, Harry. Give me the prophecy or watch your friends die."

I know what Harry's about to do even before he opens his hand. Lucius takes the prophecy and smiles, satisfied, already feeling its power. I want to scream, to yell 'No!' because even if I don't understand much about this prophecy, I definitely am sure it would be better off in our hands rather than Voldemort's followers.

But I cannot open my mouth, because suddenly a white light appears out of nowhere. Mom lets me go, as does every other Death Eater with each of my friends, as a white turbine frees us. When the white light stops, I recognise Dad's friends: the Aurors. And between them, there's also Dad, and uncle Moony.

"DAD!" I shout, at the same time Harry does. Dad turns to look at Harry first, obviously, and he runs at him, trying to protect him. I watch as they fight against Lucius and another Death Eater. I watch as Dad is about to win over Lucius. I watch as Dad and Harry are alone, now, standing victoriously.

I watch as a green light hits Dad.

I immediately turn to see who hit him, and I see Mom's wand. Then I turn, expecting to see Dad fighting back at her, as he always did.

But Dad's gone. He's nowhere to be seen, but I can almost hear his laugh behind the arch. Harry points at it, shocked, and he tries to see behind it, but Moony stops him, his face a mask of terror.

I don't understand. I look around, but all my friends, Draco too, are hiding behind the stones. The Death Eaters are long gone, and the only one I still see is Mom. The Aurors are gone too, probably followed the Death Eaters. Suddenly, a white light, clearer than the one before, appears, and with it, Dumbledore.

And with that I understand that Dad's not behind the arch, or the Veil, as I heard Hermione call it.

He's dead.

I fall to my knees, my scream breaking the air and inflaming the atmosphere together with Harry's. Moony is holding Harry, but no one is holding me. I stand up and run after Mom, almost falling on my feet. There's no way she's gonna live after she killed Dad.

Oh Merlin's beard. Dad's dead. He's never coming back to me again. I'm alone.

I hear various footsteps after me, but I don't turn back to see whose they are. I don't care. I only care about Dad right now. And he's gone. He's dead.

"BELLA, YOU COWARD, COME HERE!" I shout, feeling an arm stopping me. Draco's arms hold me, and I cry on him, I cry and cry and cry. Harry runs near us, casting a spell on Bellatrix.

"Crucio" he yells, but she doesn't even flinch; she laughs. She killed my Dad and she's fucking laughing.

"COME ON POTTER! DO IT! I KNOW YOU WANT IT!" Bellatrix provokes him. I try to free myself from Draco's hold, but he doesn't let me go.

"Fucking leave me Draco! He's dead! He's dead! She killed him! He's dead and I want to kill her! I want to-" I stop, sobs coming up my throat again.

Harry keeps walking up to Bellatrix, pointing his wand at her, but no words come out his mouth. I see a shadow near him and Bellatrix starts to laugh, again. I want to rip off her face.

Then, with a startle, I realise. Voldemort is here.

Draco holds me tighter, and tries to bring me back with the others. But I will not leave Harry, not now. But Draco puts his hand on my mouth, and forces me to gulp down whatever he's put on it. I look at him, surprised, then fall asleep.


When I wake up, I'm in the Hogwart's Infirmary.

Light is coming inside the room, and it makes me frown how outside the world seems so happy while I am hurting.

Dad's dead.

I look around, my head throbbing, and I see a copy of the Prophet's Gazette on the bedside table. I grab it and start to read it, and slowly all the memories come flowing inside me, and the missing pieces are completed.

I read about how Harry had to face Bellatrix alone, how Dumbledore helped him, how Voldemort himself arrived and fought with our Headmaster, how he entered Harry's body, how Harry was worn out from it, how Harry fought Voldemort inside his head, how the Minister of Magic arrived right when Voldemort was leaving.

"He's back" says the title. He's been back a long time now, but of course nobody could believe us, could believe Harry. We had to lose Dad to make them believe that.

"Olivia" Mrs Poppy arrives by my side, smiling sadly. "How are you feeling? The others were bad, too, but they've all woken up a few hours ago. They wanted to stay here with you, you know, but I told them you needed rest. I can call for them all, though."

"No, not all" I murmur "Just Draco, please."

When I see his blonde hair, a part of me is relieved to only see him covered in scratches but nothing more. He sits by me, looking at me carefully, searching for any signs on my face or body. I've got scars, but they cannot be seen. Not all of them, at least.

"I'm sorry" it's the first thing he says. He lowers his gaze.

"I'm sorry for not protecting you. I'm sorry for giving you the Bewitched Sleep. I'm sorry for not being here when you woke up. I-"

"You should not be sorry, Draco, I know you only did that to protect me. Because you did protect me."

He holds my hand.

"I was so worried love" he says, hardening his jaw.
"I swear to Salazar, that bitch is gonna pay. She'll be locked up in Azkaban as soon as we can."

I shake my head. "I don't want to talk about her, please. Could you just-"

He understands me, he always does, and he holds me, as long as I need. And I need for a long time.

In the next days, I avoid any adult who seems to want to talk with me. I liquidate Dumbledore when he tells me he wants to talk to me, and I do the same with every other professor here. The only adult I write to is Moony. I saw his face when he saw Dad die, and he is wrecked, not any less than me or Harry.

I forgave Harry, for everything he ever did. He's just fifteen, and he's lost every adult in his life. I cannot immagine what that must feel like.

Draco does a great deal of helping, of course, as do Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville, Ginny, Daphne and even Astoria.

But even with all this help, I cannot seem to forget that I'm again alone. Just as I was before finding out I had another relative except Bellatrix.

I'm his | Draco Malfoyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن