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" 20th February

Dear Dad,

Things here haven't been easy, if I have to be honest.

Harry and I, as you know, fought during the Christmas holidays. After we'd come back, he made another wrong move - not going to tell you which - and I decided I can't keep up with him anymore. I don't know if it's because of the toxic household he was in before, or because of you, or he's just like that... I just know that he's exactly like I had imagined Draco Malfoy to be, from his words.

About Draco, he told me he loved me and I realised I wasn't ready. I hate myself for this, but I can't do anything about it, can I? I don't think I will ever be fixed, if you know what I mean. It may depend on Mom, or the Manor where I grew up, or Rodolphus. I think it's probably just on me, to be honest. I've always known I had something inside me that wasn't right.

I can't say I have any friends left - Merlin, I sound so dramatic. Except Daphne Greengrass and Luna Lovegood, of course. Me and Daphne spend a lot of time together (we're trying to set her up with Cedric Diggory, in Hufflepuff). Luna is a Ravenclaw, so she's got all these amazing ideas on how to have fun in interesting ways. Her best friend is the Weasley girl, though, so I'm never sure if she's really on my side.

The Weasleys and Hermione are with Harry, obviously, but I don't think he told them the truth about our fight. I'm a bit sad about it, because it makes me think that Hermione and Ron, the twins and Ginny only spent time with me because I was friends with Harry, but it is what it is I suppose.

On the other side, I've been studying a lot. My OWLs are coming in about three months and I really want to get top results. I don't really have anything else to do, by the way. I've discovered I have a hidden talent: I can memorise History of Magic dates pretty well and I'm excellent at DADA. You always said DADA was your favourite subject and I can see why. Astronomy, on the other side, isn't as appealing as you described it, but it's just my taste. I also like Herbology and Ancient Runes.

Before you say it, I'm not a swot. I just don't know what else to do.

Say hello to Moony from me. Are you happy now that you're alone? You're free to do whatever appeals you.

Ew I didn't just say that.

Anyway, write back soon. I miss you Dad.


Olivia "

" 26th February

Dear Olivia,

I'm very sorry that you're not finding your time there as happy as your dad and I were expecting. But I'm sure that time will heal whatever thing has gotten between you and Harry, and between you and Malfoy. Believe me, if I could look at Snape and talk kindly with him, you will be able to talk with Harry.

I'm not like that dumbass of Sirius- I know that Potter doesn't mean perfect, and I have a feeling James had more of a noble heart than Harry. But this gotta stay between us, beware.

Although I'm very proud of you for your studies, and I'm extremely grateful that you're more like me in school than like Sirius, I find it hard to believe that you like Herbology. It's complicated but not good complicated like Ancient Runes or Arithmancy, just complicated. And it makes me feel stupid because I never understood it but a classmate of mine, Gilderoy Allock, did. Anyway.

Your dad will answer too, but he's been very busy lately. With the Dark Lord rising again, us in the Order have to work a lot.

I hope you're going to be well. We miss you and Harry too. And no, I'm not going to comment on whatever thought you have on me and your dad. That would be gross.

Write back soon.
Moony "

" 3rd March

Dear Via,

I WILL NOT HAVE YOU HIDE FROM ME SUCH IMPORTANT ISSUES! I want to know everything about that dummie of the young Potter.

AND DON'T THINK OF ME AND MOONY THAT WAY- IT'S WEIRD. You are very similar to old friends of mine, Marlene and Mary.

It's very bad- I brought you up not Moony or Lily, so why do you like school so much? AND HISTORY? ANCIENT RUNES? HERBOLOGY???

You really are no child of mine. Neither of Bella, don't worry, I don't think she ever learned to read. Did Moony lie to me when he told me that old fling of his had stopped? Because you are way more like Moony. No, delete that. When we were your age, Moony and I were quite reckless and brave.

YOU DON'T SEEM VERY BRAVE! You should let Harry see that he shouldn't behave badly with you. And those redheads and that swot girl too. Of course, I won't even start to talk about your boyfriend.

By the way, he didn't hit you did he? Because he's gonna be dead in the next seconds if he did.

I need to go now, the Order needs me. Well they don't really but I wanna be there for them.

I love you broompie (no, I haven't stopped calling you that)

Write back soon.

Snuffles "

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