Fuck you, Draco!

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"When is he-" "How would we know? It's not like he talks to us-" Lucius responds harshly, but the bell rings in this moment. I smile brightly. "This must be him" Narcissa says, putting on a smile and opening the big, dark door.

Dad appears with the snow behind, looking for me. When he sees me, he immediately opens his hands and I run into him, hugging him. He smells of fire-smoke and rain at the same time and I believe it's because he became Padfoot to come here faster.

"Howdy, kid" he asks, looking at me. "I'm fine. How is everyone?" "They're all okay. They miss you." "I miss you two." "Well, you'll see them all tomorrow" Dad smiles at me, but glances at Mom. She snickers. "May the happy family be happy again" she says, and Narcissa gives her a disappointed look.

Without a word, we all sit around the table. I ignore Mom's husband's glances and smile at Dad, who sits near me, and then twine my hand with Draco's on the table, this time without hiding it from anyone. He seems surprised but squeezes my hand back.

We wait for the plates to arrive, then Lucius starts speaking. "So, Sirius" he says, and I see Dad's smile freeze on his face. "How are things been going?"

"Very well, now that I have my daughter here" Dad answers. "Obviously. The perfect father" Mom rolls her eyes and Narcissa coughs. "Bella, please."

"Eventually you came back to your family, huh" Dad says, gesturing at Draco's hand on mine. I smile. "Apparently" I nod. "Is he treating you right?" Draco looks at me, then at Dad. "I am trying" he says. "He is" I answer.

"I'm sorry, but I believe I'm not sure of everyone who sits around this table" Dad notices, grinning at me. I'm unsure of what he's about to do so I just listen at the names of people I know ever since I was a kid.

"Amicus Carrow" "Alecto Carrow" "Yaxley" "Pius Thicknesse" "Augustus Rookwood" "Walden Macnair" "Thorfinn Rowle" "Evan Rosier" "Rodolphus Lestrange" says Mom' husband, and Dad scoffs "Fenrir Greyback." The man who finally spoke has a long scar through his face and is the one who always scared me with little jokes as a kid. I've always dreaded his figure.

Dad clenches his jaw, looking at Mom. "Seriously? You're letting her stay with these people?" "These people are my folk" she snickers. "I had no doubt, since the jerk you married." "Hey, slow down with your insults, Traitor" Mom's husband says. Dad grabs my wrist. "Via, these are very bad people." "Don't listen to him" Mom mutters "he's a liar!"

"Can everyone here who didn't kill anyone raise their hand?" Dad asks, looking at me. I'm awestruck and immediately realise he's wanted to do this all along.

Everyone raises their hands, beaming innocently. "You know they're all lying" Draco murmurs inside my ear. I nod. "You're a bunch of liars" Dad exclaims, his eyes firing with rage. There are very few times when I saw him this angry.

"Ohh, then why don't you bring your little girl with you OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Mom shouts, standing up abruptly.

Narcissa and Lucius sigh, doing the same. "If everyone could please calm down-" "She's way more deserving than you all!" Dad replies. I tighten my grip on Draco's hand, trembling slightly.

"DON'T COMPARE THAT MUGGLE LIKE TO US!" Fenrir raises his voice, and everyone starts chattering and agreeing with him. "I'm not-" "Don't talk about her like that" Draco says, standing up too. I'm the last one leaving my chair.

"Oh come on, as if you really cared about her. Olivia, don't you see it?" "Dad, what are you saying?" I'm the one who's mad now. Has my dad been mad at Draco ever since he knew I was with him? "He's-" I try to defend him, but I feel watched.

"Is this what you think of me" Draco asks me, leaving my hand. "What? Draco-" "You're just..." "I'm just what?" I ask, raising my voice. Everyone else stopped making noise and we're the only ones talking now.

"You know what? I don't wanna do this now" I say, looking down. "Why, are you scared, Black?" Draco asks, emphasising my last name. I look up at him, hurt.

"I've tried to be nice-" "Oohh" the people around the table snicker.

I can't believe this! "Fuck you, Draco! And fuck your family, your friends, your house and fuck you all!" I scream, holding up my tears.

Draco steps back, and everyone snickers again.

"I think it's time I take you home, Olivia" Dad murmurs, grabbing my arm gently.

In the silence of the atmosphere and under everyone's stares, we leave the Malfoy's Manor.

On Dad's broom, which I had to call when he remembered I can't run as fast as a dog, I try to hold on to the wooden stick rather than his back, since the hell he raised in there. He seems to understand I'm mad and leaves me alone, but glances at me once in a while.

"I'm sorry things went that way" he murmurs. "No you're not. You've always hated them all." "You used to too." "Draco isn't like them." "This is what he wants you to see" he says "but a boy grown up there can't be a good person." "I remember you... I GREW UP THERE TOO!" I scream, holding off my tears.

"You know what I mean, he didn't have a good influence while-" "While I had who? You?" I scoff. "Harry? Did you know he's been an asshole to me when I was sorted in Slytherin, and when I dumped him he became an asshole again!" "Language" Dad mutters, but he seems taken aback.

"I know Harry is your favourite 'son'" I say defiantly and tired "and all I ever wanted was someone who could get me... like Draco." "Harry isn't my favourite, Olivia! Don't be a kid. I love you both very much, you're different but that doesn't mean you're different to me."

I don't answer, hoping to arrive 'home' as soon as possible.

I can't believe any of this is real.

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