He also smiles!

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She looks so helpless and innocent I can't help but feeling softened.

"Draco, do you" she pauses "do you actually think what you said to me earlier?" . She's looking through me with her big eyes and I feel extremely guilty. "I know I hurt you" I start "but I was mad. It's not real. If I thought it, I would have left you by now."

She gives me a little smile. "Thank you" she says. I gently squeeze her hand and lean in to kiss her on the lips, but she stops me and gestures at the door, clearly embarrassed.

"I'll come later" Potter mutters, glancing at me. I roll my eyes. "Why do you keep being friends with him" I say. She starts tracing paths on my hand with her little fingers.

"It's funny, you know. He told exactly the same thing, before asking me to stop seeing you." I'm outraged. "He told you that?" "Weren't you about to do the same?" She notices and I lower my head. "Well, uh. Not really. You're free to see whoever you want." I say this through my teeth because it's the opposite of what I think. She's mine. At the same time, she's not nor will she ever be.

"Wait. Were you comparing us again?" I change topic. She seems taken off guard and I chuckle lowly. "Are you able to do that, Malfoy?" she asks, pretending surprise, and I roll my eyes and sigh. "Apparently. What will you do with him anyway?" "Free, uh?" she teases me but is beaming. I can't believe how pretty she is.

"I don't know" she sighs. "I did like him, you know? When we were kids. But now it's all different. I don't think I can interest him. And I don't want to" she quickly adds, glancing at me, worried. I don't want her to stop herself just because of how could I act. But their past is stressing me a bit.

"It's obvious he likes you. But if you just want his, uh... friendship, tell him." She nods and I let her rest her head on her pillow, before leaving a quick kiss on her mouth. She always tastes so delicate.

"I knew it" a girl voice says, and I sigh against her lips. She smiles, waiting another second before stepping back. "Hi Daph" she says. Daphne Greengrass is standing where Potter was some minutes ago and is grinning. "Go out, Malfoy. Girlies before boys" she says. I have no idea what she's talking about but Olivia chuckles and I slightly smile at the sight. I'm screwed.

"And he also smiles! What are you, a witch?" I hear Daphne murmuring, before I leave the room.

I walk up to the Astronomy Tower and find myself looking down at Hogwarts, while biting a green apple. Wouldn't it be so much easier to just let myself fall? I don't think nobody would miss me. Maybe at first, but then everyone would forget that I ever existed.

However, I can't be this egoistic. I know Olivia isn't okay and I feel like I'm the only one who can help her. I know what it's like to be alone and to have a difficult familiar situation. But she doesn't deserve it.

"I knew you would be here" I hear a voice saying. I turn to see Blaise and I sigh. "You know me too well" I joke. We both know no one really knows me.

"Listen, I know lately it's been hard, for both of you. So I was thinking, shall we organise a party? As Halloween tradition, you know. We could invite everyone. Even other Houses. It would be huge."

It's isn't typical of Blaise to like parties and I know he's just doing it for me, which I'm grateful for, but as usual won't show it. "Okay. Yes, Okay. Prepare the invitations and send them. Don't give them to any Gryffindor, though." "Oh come on. I thought we were past that." "Never. With Olivia, Potter's behaviour has just gotten worse."

I see Blaise nodding, sighing, and then he leaves. I breathe deeply. I need to write to my mother to let her know about Olivia. I believe she'd love to know. After all, in a few months or so we'll have Christmas Break and I'll go 'home'. I'll tell her in person. I actually hope my father won't be there, or anyone else, but I know they will. They never lose a chance to see me.

A sudden thought strikes my mind: I could ask Olivia if she wants to come with me. She'd see her parents too. But maybe, she'd prefer Harry's family to welcome her. I wouldn't blame her.

I decide to leave the Astronomy Tower and end up in my dorm. I don't have the energy to do anything but falling asleep, but as soon as my head hits the pillow, the usual nightmares start arriving at me. Why can't anything be simple for me?

It's like I don't feel anything. I don't look forward to anything. I don't like school, I don't like my schoolmates, and the only person in my family I don't despise is my mother. I dread becoming an adult, and I dread remaining a teenager.

The only ray of light in my life is Olivia, and I don't seem to know why. I had already seen her once or twice but never had a thought about her, because I knew about her other side of the family. However, I was always curious about her. She seemed so different from us. She looked more like Potter than like me and I hated her for this.

Now, I know it's exactly what she deserves. I would cut out my side of family if it'd mean for her to be as happy as Potter or his friends are and never feel like I do. I know I can't protect her forever from everything, but since I can't think about my serendipity, I just like to fight for hers. That's why I'd like for her to come over on Christmas. I would put our family in place and defend her. Then I could let her free.

I'm his | Draco MalfoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin