Shut up

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"You said she wouldn't disappoint me" I hear Bella saying when we enter the Manor.

I sigh. "Hi, Bella" Draco murmurs, holding my hand tight. "Hello, honey" she smiles. "Don't you greet your daughter?" Draco asks, lifting his chin. Bella snorts, her mass of hair around her face. "Well hello, my lovely dear" she says to me. "Hi" I reply, sitting at the table which is already set for us to have dinner. Draco and I have arrived with a few minutes of delay.

"Where's your husband?" I ask, avoiding eye contact. "You mean your father" Bella smiles, raising an eyebrow. "He's arriving late." He isn't a disappointment. "He's got some... things to do." I don't know why, but what McGonagall told us yesterday comes immediately up in my mind. What if Bella's husband and Voldemort returning were related?

"How did you spend the morning?" Narcissa smiles at us, changing topic. I blush at once and Draco smirks. "We had fun together." "Oh, so now you are really a disappointment" Bella says, and I gulp down my tears. I don't know why she still has power over me.

"She has top grades, is great at Quidditch and has many friends. She can't disappoint you" Draco starts, taking me off guard. I look up at him, then at Bella, who's now focused on my boyfriend. Narcissa and Lucius haven't said a word yet and seem to enjoy the show.

"And yet. She's everything I didn't want her to be." "Loved?" "Like my cousin" Bella makes a disgusted face, putting her elbows on the table. I roll my eyes. "Would you want her to end like you?"

I startle, exchanging looks with Narcissa, who seems amazed as well by her son. "Draco-" Lucius starts, but Bella stops him. She grimaces.

"I think you are a disappointment. Nevertheless, I didn't say, or think, you weren't good. Just one like him" she gestures at Draco "defending you this way means you have achieved something." I squeeze his hand, half smiling, looking down.

"I just told the truth" Draco replies. "I know" Bella murmurs, looking at me carefully. "You're like me, and at the same time you're quite the opposite. I guess that's what you get growing up in two different houses, huh?" Everyone is staring at Bella.

Suddenly, our attention turns to the door, from which Bella's husband just entered the Manor. I sigh again.

"Good evening" he grimaces in an expression that looks way too much like Bella's.

"Rodolphus, please, have a seat. We've saved you one near your- daughter" Lucius says, smiling at me. I look at the empty chair near me in terror, biting my tongue, and realise that Lucius probably cares more about his approval than mine. I'm trapped.

"Olivia, come switch place with me" Draco says loudly. "I won't allow you to do that" Lucius states, while Rodolphus stands not knowing where to sit.

"You can't control her too" Draco hisses at his father, then stands up and takes my place while I do the same.

"Is that so? Fine" Bella's husband sits between Narcissa and Draco, and I find myself between my boyfriend and his father.

"You're a grown up now" Rodolphus growls, looking at me. "You're a woman." His eyes stare at my body which is now uncomfortable due to him. Draco clenches his teeth, shifting in his chair to hide me from Bella's husband. I push my back on the chair, trying to become as small as possible. I want this to end.

No adults comment on what just happened. "So huh, a Malfoy, huh?" Rodolphus asks me. I ignore him. Bella nods. "Apparently. They always come back where they felt good." I scoff lowly, unable to control myself. Draco does the same and everyone' eyes are on us, now.

"It's evident Sirius taught you some behaviours, huh?" Bella grins. I shrug.

"Okay, let's call this a night" Narcissa says finally, standing up. I'm so grateful for her I could hug her, but Bella's hand places on my wrist. "Let me talk to you in private." "I'm joining" Rodolphus says. I know Draco is about to do so but his father stops him and he gestures at me he'll wait for me in the rooms' hall.

"I know what I said earlier, but I'm proud of you." Bella murmurs, smiling at me. I'm astonished. She quickly hugs me. "I missed you." She leaves me alone with her husband and I smile looking down. Maybe I could call her 'mom' again? She never told me these kind of things.

"You really went away for a long time" Rodolphus mutters, coming closer to me. He grabs my wrists and forces me to stay put. I clench my teeth. "What are you doing? Leave me alone." "Shut up, little bitch. You need to learn to treat me with the respect I deserve." I scoff again.

I'm so awestruck by how he just called me, that I almost don't notice his eyes on my chest. I cry out loud, desperate for Draco to hear.

He places a hand on my chest and squeezes lightly, and I gulp down the little pain he's causing me. "Stop" I say. I try to shake him off, tears in my eyes. "How can you do this to me?" I ask, my voice breaking.

"Shut up" he repeats, squeezing again and urging for the hem of my shirt. I step back quickly, but his grip on my wrist grows tighter, resulting in pain.

"Let me go!" I say loudly, knowing I can't lose anything more than what I'm about to. "I said-" I step on his foot, freeing myself at once, and run in the rooms' hall as fast as I can.

I see Draco's figure waiting quietly against a wall, looking down. I run up to him, hoping I don't show any signs of weakness. "Olivia! Is everything alright?" he smiles at me, placing his hands on my waist. I shiver at his touch and step back, my cheeks wet, my skin burning with shame.

He stutters. "Via-" "I'm sorry" I whisper. "You always see me crying." "First, I don't care. Second, why are you crying? Was your mom or-" "Her husband. He-" "Said something bad didn't he" "He..." I can't seem to pronounce myself about this, so I breath deeply. "Please I'm sorry." "You're sorry? Why? What did you do, Olivia?" he frowns, getting closer to me.

"I- He- He touched me."

Draco freezes.

"What?" "He touched me. My skin. My- chest."

I look up at him, tears obscuring my sight. "I'm sorry Draco."

"He dared to... I should have seen... Did he hurt you?" he asks, his voice cold as ice. I shake my head, lying. "He's dead" he murmurs. "Dead. I'm gonna kill him."

"Please don't" I plead "Don't do anything." "I can't look at him not being punished." "I don't care about him. I'm sorry." "Why are you sorry?" his voice softens immediately, he tries to touch me again and I let him. "It's not your fault, darling. He's a fucking bastard. You're not in guilt. You're pure. And precious."

I say nothing, looking up at him and anchoring myself in his eyes.

Midnight rings out loud in the Manor's magic clock.

"Merry Christmas, love" he whispers to me. He passes his thumb against my cheeks, drying my tears, kissing my lips.

"Merry Christmas, Draco. And thank you so much."

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