Chapter 15: Going On

Start from the beginning

"I've never heard you say anything less convincing, Sabrina." Suddenly his expression brightened. "Come with me."

"To Bathir?"

"Yes, why not? Be my guest for a few days. My sisters can amuse you while I'm tied up in business, and you can amuse me when I'm not." He grinned. "It'll be good for everyone concerned."

"Well..." It was tempting. Bathir didn't hold nearly as many memories as Dansestari, and Ford would look after her, keep her occupied. Tirqwin could reach her at Bathir just as easily as here.

Attracted by the smell of sausages, Tristan chose that moment to leap onto the table, nearly tipping over Sabrina's glass of juice. "Tristan!" she yelped, reaching for him. The cat sprang out of reach, landing beside Ford's plate. He snatched a sausage and dived for the floor, a mere white blur as he vanished from the room. "Tristan! Bad cat!" Sabrina shouted angrily, getting up to go in pursuit.

Ford was laughing despite himself. "You won't catch him now," he pointed out.

"He's being a real brat. He usually has better manners," Sabrina sighed, dropping back into her chair. Then she glanced speculatively at Ford.

"Oh, no, Sabrina!" Ford protested. "You're not bringing that wild animal into my palace!"

"Ford, if I leave him here, he'll shred the place!"

"So? You were going to redecorate anyway."

"Please. I sleep so much better when he's there."

Ford heaved a sigh. "All right. It's true that I can't be spending the night in your room at Bathir. I'm too closely watched."

"Is that why you don't like going there?" Sabrina asked. She grinned and teased, "Can't sneak the pretty girls into your room?"

He shot her a look and deadpanned, "Oh, getting them in is easy enough; it's getting them out that usually gets me into trouble!"

Sabrina laughed in surprise, then glanced over her shoulder as she heard Tristan's collar tag jingle. The cat sat in the doorway, ostentatiously washing his whiskers. "You have some nerve!" she scolded him.

Ford said, "Please keep him shut up during the state dinner. I shudder to think—" He broke off and grinned. "On second thought—"

"No," Sabrina said. "I'm not going to make any waves at Bathir. I'm supposed to be quietly awaiting Mara's return, not going around causing diplomatic incidents. I'll have a tray in my room and keep Tristan company."

Ford's expression darkened. "You'll do no such thing! If you are going to be my guest, you'll have to act like it. I can't afford any rumors that I've done something to offend you, or that there's anything strange about your visit. If it appears I'm trying to keep you under wraps, you've no idea the stories the scandalmongers will concoct!"

"Even if I'm incognito?" Sabrina protested.

"Sabrina, it's not possible for you to be incognito! You're a planetary heroine, just returned after nearly a century's absence! If you are at Bathir, I need you to be at any official functions I'm forced to host."

"Ford, I haven't even been formally presented here at Palace Royal yet! If I go do the official rounds at Bathir it'll be a slight to everyone here, and to Mara! How could I possibly do that?"

Ford rubbed at his face in frustration. "I don't know," he admitted. "But if you're at Bathir and refuse to meet anyone there officially, you'll be slighting them."

Sabrina swallowed. "Then I guess I can't go to Bathir."

"Miah's breath," Ford swore angrily. "I'm not leaving you here. I can't reconcile it with my conscience."

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