rindou,ran,wakasa catch up part 2

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when you cry in front of them


- immediately asks you what's wrong
- thinks it's his fault
- pretty much guilty
- even if its not his fault
- would hug you
- buy u your fave snacks
- yall go shopping when u calm down
- would let u buy anything u want


- asks what's wrong
- head pats
- he'll assure u he's always there for u
- trying not to tear up bcs he don't want to see u sad
- hug you all day
- tell u to cheer up


- he doesn't know how to comfort people
- but tries anyways
- head pats also
- buys u food
- asks help from senju
- buys u cute accessories bcs senju told him
- try to cheer u up by making cute faces

you die


- blames himself
- cries all day long
- doesn't eat
- will be colder than usual
- he doesn't believe in love anymore


- locks himself on his room
- cries
- would go to ur favourite place
- just to hurt himself(mentally)
- always visits ur grave
- will apologize to kakucho for being such a bad bf


- he becom emo
- doesn't show any emotion anymore
- can't cry anymore bcs he spend his two days crying
- blames himself
- apologizes to benkei for not protecting u

you don't give him attention


- its only been 5 mins and this bitch is already bored
- would crawl up to u and smirk
- "so princess isn't giving me attention?"
- u will immediately regret not giving him attention
- its going to be a long night


- tried to be patient
- but couldn't hold it anymore
- he snatched your book and throwed it in the bin
- "give only your attention to me."
- then yall hugged


- he doesn't rlly care at first
- but then realizes u act like he was not there at all
- gives u head pats while calling ur name
- then just snatched the book and hugged u tightly
(he's a little ooc but dw he's so much more softer around u)

when they're jealous


- u were spending more time with ran
- he was rlly jealous
- when u came back to him he kinda gave u the silent treatment
- u were confused
- then told u "please give me more attention than my brother. im your boyfriend,you know?"
- you apologized and kissed him


- vice versa of rindou's
- u gave more attention to rindou
- he was jealous also
- would immediately hugged u after you and rindou talked
- would be more clingier
- you were confused but he didn't rlly told u that he was jealous


- u were spending too much time with senju
- yes. senju.
- so when yall finished talkin bout yknow girly things
- he immediately ran up to u and hugged u so tightly that u couldn't breathe
- dont worry ur still alive
- then he just told u to not spend that much time with senju
- "ohh?? are you jealous waka-chan?" (yes that's ur nickname to him)
- "n-no!" he said while fucking blushing

someone flirts with ya


- he would immediately ran up to u and put his hand around ur waist
- would kiss u passionately in front of the person
- outside, he'll be pretty chill but inside oh how much he wants to break this person's bones
- when the person leaves yall go back to your house
- he'll let u sleep then call ran
- "have you got them brother?" "yep."
- "thanks. I'll be there immediately."
- he says before cracking his knuckles


- would notice it immediately then ran up to u
- he would join the conversation
- but the person gets awkward then leaves
- "ara? but i had so much fun talking with them!" he whines,lying
- then he'll beat them up after


- glaresssssssss
- he's the best at death glares honestly
- would look at the person up and down before scoffing
- "if you're here to get my girl,fix yourself first,asshole. get lost."
- that person be runnin so fast
- would just kiss u sweetly

what they like about you


- your chest,he loves laying on them (not sexually)


- your head,he loves giving u head pats


- your laugh,he thinks its adorable asf

what u like about them


- his smile,you think he should smile more often


- his voice,u think its soothing


- his eyes,you love how sleepy they are and attractive at the same time

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