how i think you guys would meet

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Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano

- honestly,i always imagine me(or in this case you,) meeting inside in a convenient store.

- as we all know,this boy loves dorayaki so much. and in this case, you love it too. so what i think will happen is there will only be one dorayaki left in which you guys will fight on.

- and eventually draken notices that mikey isn't back yet,so he'd walk in and saw you two fighting over a dorayaki.

- of course,being the mature boy he is, he'll stop the fight and you guys ended up sharing it.

Chifuyu Matsuno

- i literally love this boy so muchh

- you guys know how much he loves cats,so i think in this case you both saw a homeless cat and you both decided to feed it.

- you share eye contact for a bit before hearing the cat eat the food you gave,you both laugh and became friends.

Kazutora Hanemiya (timeskip)

- you heard there was a pet shop near by your street,so you decided visiting it only to be meet with a guy who had dual-colored hair.

- you didn't mind it since he looked like he worked there,he showed you all the cats and you enjoyed your time there.

- after your interaction,you often visit the pet shop and hang out with him a little.

Kokonoi Hajime

- you were akane's best friend,she had a friend called koko in which you haven't met yet.

- let's get straight to the point. akane died and obviously you broke down crying,and you still haven't met this koko guy yet.

- years passed by,you were now at a library rethinking about life.

- someone suddenly entered the library,you were alone so you didn't mind it.

- you saw him sit towards your seat,you guys had eye contact a bit before you looked away blushing.

- "what's your name?"

- "kokonoi, you can call me koko tho."

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