Ch. 50: Some Revelations to Fix Misunderstandings

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Random update for y'all cuz I'm about to finish writing this book :D


"Ugh! I really should have just controlled myself back there," Jisung mutters to himself, kicking a pebble infront of him as he continues walking down the sidewalk. "She didn't deserve that. Seriously." A heavy sigh escapes him, and he stops walking just to take that sigh out of himself as he runs his hand through his hair. "...What am I supposed to do now?"

Jisung just couldn't help but be deeply troubled. He hadn't been open about his feelings to you in such a long time. Frankly speaking, I don't think there was even any time he had been completely open about his feelings when he talked to you.

But whatever happened back at the studio is a different story.

He just couldn't help it. Holding in his emotions everytime you were around, no matter how strong they got, was just a really hard task for him. He just had to get it out somehow. And, well, he did. Just... not really in the least worst possible way ever.

Once again, the young man ruins his hair as he continues walking. "How am I even supposed to go back now, anyway? Why did I just suddenly leave again?"

Caught in a rut, Jisung just continues walking down the sidewalk, not really knowing where to go exactly.

"Aish, I'll just give her some time to cool down before I head back," Jisung finally concludes with an exasperated sigh after a while, letting his thoughts to wander only to suddenly become alert again when he suddenly hears something alarming:


Immediately, Jisung's eyes widen, and he quickly turns around as he quickly recognizes that loud cry. Wooseok.

"What the-" Right at the moment he says that, he suddenly spots a black van coming out from an alleyway right beside the company building. It turns, then it heads in his direction.

Suspicious, anyone would think, and Jisung's instincts act quick in identifying that that van could have been where he heard Wooseok's cry.

The van speeds up, and Jisung's eyes widen as he watches it getting closer to where he is. Instantly, he starts panicking.

"What do I do? What do I do?!"

He knows he has to not look suspicious to the people in the van, but right as the van was about to reach him and pass him by, he gets a crazy idea.


The people in the van suddenly fly forward, including Wooseok who is currently being held by the man who took him. All in all, three men are inside, two big ones, and one skinny which would be the driver.

"Hey! Why'd you stop?!" one of the big men, the one free from holding the child they kidnapped, asks the driver intimidatingly.

The driver jumps, then he glances towards the man behind him before pointing his finger forward. "T-there's... someone up ahead..."

And there, indeed, is Jisung himself, standing right infront of the van with his arms spread wide and a fierce look in his eyes as he looks towards the van.

"What the-"

In the next second, the van's door opens, and the man steps out, looking angry as he gets ready to confront Jisung. "Hey, what do you think you're do-" He's stopped in his words, however, when Jisung suddenly runs up to him and lands a hard blow to his face, making the man stagger and fall to the ground.

At that same moment, the man holding Wooseok inside the van suddenly screams, and Jisung glances inside to see Wooseok biting on the hand of his captor.

See You In My Dreams (Stray Kids X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now