Ch. 19: Sneaky Escape

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"Oh, shoot!"

Immediately, Juyeon starts looking around for a place to hide, and Hyunjin immediately turns to the bathroom.

"Psst! Over there!" Hyunjin whisper-shouts and Juyeon turns to him before turning to where he's pointing at. Quickly, she runs to it and closes the door before her, just as the front door opens and all of Hyunjin's friends from his class walk in. Hyunjin then quickly turns around and faces the TV infront of him as if he had been in that position all along.

"Yo, Hyunjin! What even happened to you?!" Jisung shouts loudly as he enters, Felix and Changbin following inside behind him.

"Exactly," Changbin agrees with furrowed brows before he approaches the long couch and tosses his uniform jacket onto it. "It's not like you to get colds easily. What did you run around the rain yesterday or something?"

Suddenly, Jisung starts coughing out of nowhere and all the others turn to him, their brows furrowing in confusion. The former notices this, and he hits his chest as he comes up with something to say. "Ah... I didn't get to drink water for a while. Hyunjin, can I get water from your kitchen?"

Still with furrowed brows, Hyunjin replies while looking at his friend suspiciously. "Yeah, sure..."

"Cool, thanks!" Jisung immediately replies before he rushes to the kitchen, his heart and mind going wild as he remembers what had happened yesterday afternoon. "Aish, I should really stop thinking about that," he mumbles to himself as soon as he's far from his friends' hearing range.

Meanwhile, Juyeon is still in the bathroom, her ear against the door as she tries to find out what's going on out in the living room.

"Aish, when are those idiots leaving?" she whispers to herself impatiently as she pulls her head away from the door and starts looking for a way out of the bathroom and out of the house.

Her eyes then land on an open window. Her eyebrows rise up in a positive mood, but then comes the realization. It's too high up. She won't be able to reach it.

Suddenly, Juyeon hears the doorknob right next to her start turning and her eyes widen as she looks at it before turning back to the window.

"Aish! Whatever!"

Stealthily moving from the door, she quickly jumps, stepping onto the sink just a few feet from the window and then jumping onto the window itself. A gasp of relief escapes her at having made it and, after looking back one last time at the surprisingly yet suspiciously still closed door, she jumps down onto the concrete outside, barely even making a sound at all as she lands.

She quickly leaves, and just as she does, you arrive outside the gate of Hyunjin's house looking at it doubtfully and wondering whether it's a good idea that you had come or not.

You hadn't noticed Juyeon escaping and jumping over the walls as you stood there, still wondering...

Meanwhile, inside the house, Hyunjin is in a panic as he tries to keep his friends from seeing whatever should be inside the bathroom. Little did he know that Juyeon had already gone.

"Wait! You can't go in there!"

His brows furrowing, Felix turns back to Hyunjin with a confused expression, his hand still on the doorknob of the bathroom. "And why not?"

"Because that's the bathroom," Hyunjin replies.

"I know that," Felix replies matter-of-factly.

Hyunjin's face goes blank in response, and he looks at Felix with a stupid smile and his eyebrows raised as he thinks of a response. "Eeexactly!"

"And?" Felix asks with one brow raised in confusion.

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