Ch. 43: The Little Troublemaker

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You groan as, the next day, you're suddenly interrupted in your sleep. Not by your alarm clock, however (as it should have been instead), but by the repeated dinging of your doorbell, ringing throughout the whole of your apartment.

"Y/N-ah!" a voice from the intercom rings out, and you groan even more when you recognize who it is.

"Oh, gosh, please, no. Not this early."

"Y/N-ah! Wake up!" the voice continues to call out, and you groan louder yet again, as if the visitor would leave you alone if he heard it. "Y/N! I know you're awake, already! Just get out of bed and open the door!"

"Alright, alright!" you shout as you finally sit up in bed, your hair all messy from your sleep. It gets even messier when you scratch it out of frustration before getting out of bed. "Just give me a minute to fix myself!"

Now, you must be wondering who your mischievous visitor is. That's gonna take a little trip down memory lane.

Remember your seemingly-fictional cousin from Chapter 19: Sneaky Escape (Yes, a little breaking-the-fourth-wall here even though it basically never existed)? Well, he's real.

An unamused expression is on your face as you finally open the door to your dear older cousin, Jeon Jungkook, holding a duffel bag with one of his hands. "Why are you so early? Gosh, I could barely even get any rest from yesterday. Could you at least be a little more considerate?"

Your cousin just laughs as he brings his hand to the back of his head. "Haha. Sorry. I would have come a little later, but this little rascal here was so excited to see you."

"Hmm?" Your brows rise upon hearing his words, then you lower your gaze as a little boy appears behind your cousin. Immediately, your face lights up upon seeing his 6-year-old son, your nephew.

"Wooseok-ah!" you say excitedly as your expression turns into a much friendlier one and you scoop the boy up, the latter laughing as you hold him up.

"Auntie! I missed you!"

"I missed you even more, my little troublemaker!" you reply, carrying the boy in your arms as you rub your nose against his.

Now, this must be confusing.

Wooseok is six years old, and taking note that you've never been back in the country in the past eight years, this must be confusing.

Here's an explanation.

"Hey, so, uh, Y/N?" Jungkook then asks you and you turn to him, still carrying his son. "You know, I'll be going on a business trip again..."

Yes. That's it. That's the explanation.

Your cousin is a businessman. And a very successful one at that, too. Occasionally, he would bring his family along to tour other countries as well, several of which he would end up visiting you where you've been learning and working at, Wooseok eventually coming along and meeting you.

And seeing that you're his only aunt on his father's side, it would only be natural that he would really really like you, much to the point he would rather spend his time with you rather than his own father. And with that in Jungkook's mind...

"Can you watch over Wooseok for me? Just for a week?" he suddenly asks, showing his puppy eyes which he always uses when he asks you for something.

Oh, for goodness' sake, the man's older than you. "Can you stop with the puppy eyes?" you ask him, not looking amused at all as you look at him. "You're getting old already and it doesn't really suit you."

Jungkook just ends up pouting as he looks at you. "Oh, come on, Y/N. Do it for your cousin. I know you just arrived and you're supposed to be settling in before you start work-"

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