Ch. 42: Even More Surprises

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You thought it would be awkward when you enter Chan's room. In fact, you really were expecting anything to happen, especially after all the news you got before entering. But when you thought "anything", surely it meant anything but this!

Oh, no. Your reunion with Chan definitely wasn't awkward at all! Neither did it get any awkward when Jinhee came in and they acted like a rather... questionable (?) married couple infront of you (meaning they were just exactly like Hyunjin and Juyeon with their love-hate relationship).

What did make it awkward was... well...

"You two will be in charge of the production of the majority of the album, so I'm hoping you'll be able to do it well?"

Jisung. It's Jisung.

You turn your gaze towards Jisung who had been sitting beside you in that studio-slash-office Chan has, not even turning your head as he does the same. And not even a second of indirect eye-contact later, you two just quickly look away from each other.

I meant it when I said it was awkward.

Chan definitely noticed. How could he not? The atmosphere was affecting him so much, he just knew he had to do something to shift the mood. "Oh, come on, you guys! Stop being so awkward around each other! Just like how you were 8 years ago!" he says, trying to lift the mood, though his efforts prove to be pointless as you and Jisung remain silent, still looking away from each other.

"And by 8 years ago, Chan, you mean..." you think to yourself, not really keen on saying it out loud. "Before things started happening? Or after Jisung decided he doesn't know exactly how he feels?"

Little did you know, Jisung was actually asking himself a similar set of questions. "How exactly am I supposed to act towards her? Not like our last encounter was exactly the best? Could it even be considered an encounter at all?"

"You guys!" Chan then says, clapping his hands to get your attention. "Relax! The both of you are gonna be working on this album together, so if there's still any problems going on between you two, it's best to resolve it now. That way, it'll be easier for you two to work together."

This time, Jisung clears his throat, and you turn to him just as he agrees with Chan's words. "Yes, you're right, actually, hyung. Exactly," he says, still awkward, but, hey! At least, he's putting in effort.

"Ah, yes," you eventually agree, as well. "Right. We should."

Chan smiles, seeing that, at least, both of you are trying. "So, now that that's out of the way, I believe there's nothing else for me to clear up to you? About the album, that is."

You and Jisung nod before giving different responses showing agreement.



"Then you're free to go. I'm sure Y/N must be exhausted after all that travelling, after all."

You chuckle, remembering how Changbin had said the exact same words. "Thanks, Chan."

You barely noticed Jisung giving you glances while you were chuckling, taking in the sound of your laughter as if it's been centuries that he hadn't heard it. Well, to him, it basically is.

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