Ch. 48: A Baseless Scandal; A Tough Dilemma

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Juyeon had been at the company cafeteria during her break. She was just casually nibbling on some fries while watching people in the cafeteria when she suddenly recieved a notification on her phone.

She didn't really pay it any mind, though. Her attention had already been stolen by one particular scene in the far corner of the room: Once again, Jisung and Wooseok.

Gosh, you just really love leaving the little rascal with Jisung, don't you?

This time, Chan had called you to his office, so now you had to leave Wooseok with Jisung again right when the boy was getting hungry. With no other choice, Jisung had to bring him to the cafeteria.

"Okay... So what do you want?" Jisung asks, trying to be as lively as he can in contrast to the boy's dull and bored expression as he walks by the food displays with an uninterested gaze.

Though, nothing ever even seems to interest the boy every time he's with Jisung. It isn't even on purpose anymore when he shows no interest in anything the young man may be paying attention to. Unless, of course, "anything" meant "someone".

"I'm bored," Wooseok whines, "and there's nothing good to eat in here. I wanna be with Minho-hyung!"

Suddenly, Jisung chokes on air on the boy's words, then he looks towards Wooseok with wide eyes. "I'm sorry, what? 'M-Minho-hyung'? Did you just call Minho 'hyung'?!"

"Yeah? What's bad about it?" Wooseok then asks him with furrowed brows.

"Well, that's just weird?!" Jisung retorts, his own brows furrowed. "He's literally three years older than your mom?!"

Wooseok shakes his head in strong denial. "No, he's not. He's young-" The boy stops, however, his eyes later widening when he realizes he might have just slipped.

Jisung then looks back at him with furrowed brows. "What are you talking about? Minho's definitely older than Y/N... And what's with that expression? You look like you-"

"Well, he definitely looks younger," Wooseok suddenly butts in, quickly recollecting himself as he looks at Jisung smugly.

Jisung frowns in response. "Aish... just pick what you want to eat already. Minho-hyung's busy so he can't be here with you now."

"Then why'd it have to be you, then?" Wooseok asks with a blank expression.

Jisung jerks before wearing a forced smile on his face as he looks back towards Wooseok. "Can you just please help me out here and pick something to eat so we can go back to my studio?"

Wooseok then wears an uninterested look on his face before turning back to the displays. "Hmm... I want..."


Suddenly, Jisung and Wooseok's eyes and ears perk up before they quickly turn to the source of the sound to see Juyeon, standing at her table and looking at her phone in utter disbelief.

It seems, she had finally opened her phone... and the news (Well technically, it's actually just a rumor) had eventually reached her.

Jisung's brows furrow as he looks towards Juyeon meanwhile Wooseok beside him looks with a curious expression.

"Mister, what's wrong with Auntie Juyeon?" Wooseok asks as he tugs onto Jisung'a shirt, and the young man looks towards him.

"Huh? W-well, honestly, I don't know, to-"

"Yah, Han Jisung!" Juyeon suddenly calls out and the two males turn towards her again as they see her approaching them, holding her phone up. "Have you seen this yet?"

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