Ch. 8: Proposal

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"Jeon Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?!"

You immediately stop walking and you stay frozen on your feet for a second before you turn to Hyunjin with a look of pure annoyance on your face. "Excuse me?"

Hyunjin's eyes widen. He freezes when he looks at you with those threatening eyes and it's almost as if he just realized what he just did as he wonders why he asked you such a question. "What did I do? Why did I suddenly ask that? Am I gonna die now?"

"Yah, I told you not to ask me anything absurd ever again!" you shout at him and Hyunjin jumps before he looks back at you, sweating in nervousness. Still, he tries to hide exactly what he feels as he remembers just exactly why he had asked such a question.

"Please, Y/N, I'm begging you," he tells you as he clasps his hands together. "It's not that I actually like you-"

"Then why are you even asking me to be your girlfriend anyway?" you ask him, the anger in your voice not disappearing

Hyunjin almost loses his confidence when you start shouting again, but he quickly musters it all back up. "I just want to try something! You saved me during that time at the pool when everyone else was busy swooning over Minho-hyung and Juyeon, I just thought you could possibly help me know what it feels like to actually be liked."

"But I don't like you!" you immediately tell Hyunjin with an expression teling him that he's crazy.

"Y/N, please," he pleads again but you still look at him with your brows furrowed. "If you really don't want to do this-"

"I really don't," you tell him bluntly and Hyunjin stop for a second before he continues.

"It doesn't have to be a serious relationship. We can just make it a title but we don't have to do anything like dates and stuff. Maybe a few here and there, but-"

"What even makes you think I'd agree if you say that?" you ask him.

"I..." Hyunjin stops, then he lowers his head, his confidence now being replaced by sincerity. "I wanna know what it feels to have a real admirer, okay? Not someone who likes me just for my looks or popularity. I want someone who's real." He then looks up at you, surprising you with the sincerity in his eyes. "And you are real, Y/N."

You look at him with wide eyes this time, then you let out a laugh followed by a smirk. You hadn't really expected him to be able to look this sincere, and you're still deciding whether or not to believe him.

"Please, Y/N," Hyunjin pleads for the third time.

A sigh escapes you, and you roll your eyes before looking at him with your arms folded. "It won't be serious?"

Hyunjin nods.

"So you won't ask me to go on dates with you or hold your hand or anything?"

Again, another nod.

"And I can do what I want to do?"

Another nod.

"And what will you do if your loyal admirers start attacking me because of the news?"

Hyunjin pauses, then he speaks sincerely once again. "Then I'll protect you. You'll be my responsibility since I brought this upon you."

"And if you're not there? I think you're forgetting that we're not from the same class, Hyunjin."

"My friends will be there," he says with a smile, "but I promise I'll be there most of the time."

"No," you immediately tell him bluntly, causing him to look at you with wide and questioning eyes. "Don't be too clingy or else I'll just drop this."

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