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I pause my breath hitches, my muscles freeze. I take a step back and look over my shoulder. A tall girl with long blue hair stands with a little taller girl with cropped pink hair. I step fully around now. The two girls walk up to me slowly.

"Powder? Vi?"

"Oh, Emris!"

Powder throws her arms around me. She looks so much older. My body goes limp in her grasp. Tears sting my eyes as I throw my arms around her. Powder sobs into my neck. Another pair of arms encircle us. Warmth blooms in my chest as I hug them back.

"I am so sorry, Emris." Vi and powder step back. vi grabs my hand and speaks to me. "I never should have left you there."

"Where have you guys been?" I ask in a small voice.

"I... I got arrested."

"Ekko found me." Powder cuts in.

"I swear we tried to come back. I promise we did."


"I don't know. I... it doesn't matter. I just... I never thought I'd see you again." Powder wraps me in another hug.

"Are you real?" I ask, pleading they are.

Powder steps back and she cups my cheek.

"Yes, of course. It's me Powder, your sister. And Vi, your sisters." She moves her hand to my shoulder. "I'm here. I'm right here."

"Things changed when you left." I changed.

"I know, Em, I know. You did what you had to do to survive. Me too. It's okay. What matters is we're all together again." Vi exclaims.

Vi and Powder wrap me in another hug.

"I didn't think you would want to find me." I sob.

"Of course we would. Why wouldn't we?" Powder asks me.

"Because of what I did." I sob into their shoulders. "I killed Mylo and Claggor and Vander. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I didn't know. I didn't mean..."

A girl appears behind Vi and Powder. I step in front of them and unholster my pistol.

"Who's she?" I ask.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"It's okay, she's a friend," Vi explains.

"Sevika wasn't lying. You're with an enforcer?"

"Your sister is Emris." The girl realizes.

"Caitlyn, just listen, we can work this out."

"This is a trick! You're playing me!" I say.

The voices are back.

"They're here for the gemstone, not you."

"They don't want you anymore."

"Shut up! I'm in no mood." I yell at them.

"We didn't say anything," Caitlyn says.

"I wasn't talking to you!"

I turn the gun to her again. Vi moves between Caitlyn and my gun. Powder stands at my side and grips my hand in hers.

"Emris, it's okay." Powder coons.

"Stop talking to me like I'm a child! I'm not." I put the gun in her face. "Is that why you came? For this stupid stone."

"No, I don't even know what that thing is, I..."  I says and I know powder knows what it is.

"You're a class act. You think I'm really that stupid?"

"Emris were here for you. Only you." Vi shoves the gun away. "You can fire that thing if you want, but I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to abandon you again."

"Yes, she is."

"As soon as she gets that stone, she's going to dump you again."

"They don't need you."

"They'll be better off without you."

"Everyone shut up, I need to think." An echo comes from the wall behind us. "Do you hear that?" A crow caws and flies away.

A figure floats from the sewer pipe. Firelights. I hold my pistol tight in my hands and watch the fire lights flood into the sky.

"No, Eris." Powder pleas.

I squeeze the trigger and fire. The firelight crouches on his board and zips around the air. Vi and Powder put their backs to me. All they have is their fists. I toss powder my second pistol, Vi can handle her guard.

"Emris, stop."

"They're not stopping, why should I?"

Several other firelight's spring from the pipes. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I fire upon them. A firelight charges me. She catches me around my middle and sends us flying back. I roll back and unsheathe my knife. She's dead in moments.

Another firelight rounds on me. He has a sword clutched in his hands. I bend backward and grab a bomb. I clip the bomb to the back of his board as he passes. The board explodes but the man jumps with another guy. I grab my gun again and fire at the ones in the air. It is only me and my enemy's as I fight. The world seems to slip away as green streaks across my vision.

I hear a flare ignite behind me. The enforcer girl disappears along with the firelight. Before I can think more about it, I hear the whoosh of a blade above me. I sidestep an inch and the blade connects with the ground where I once stood. I spin around and kick the man. I hit him repeatedly in the head with the butt of my pistol. After a few hits, I kick him down, and other rounds on me.

"How many of you ass holes are there?" I yell into the sky.

I land a shot on his board. He stumbles but is alive still. I fire countless rounds as he circles me. A burning sensation runs up my calf. A moment later searing white-hot pain follows.

"Gah!" I shout in pain.

I take one final blow to the man's head with my gun and he flies back. I raise my gun to him and slowly walk towards him. I hear a rattle and glance behind me. Powder and Vi are thrown over men's shoulders, unconscious.

I move to charge on them. A black plume of smoke engulf them. I swing blindly through the smoke. When the smoke clears nothing is left. The man I almost killed is gone. Vi is gone. Powder is gone. And it's my fault again. They came here looking for me.

"Powder? Vi?" My breathing speeds.

A blood-curdling scream scratches my throat as my knees buckle and I am left truly alone, again.

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