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I greet the bartender with a grin while rolling the gemstone between my fingers. He jumps and a mug clatters to the floor.

"Thieram... my name is Thhieram."

"Nice try chuck." I push my hair over my shoulder. "What's all the noise bout?"

"Uh. Boss wants us to grab someone up."

"Someone?" I dig.

"Some girls. I mean, I mean not... I'm not grabbing girls. Oh, other than the... those ones... I guess."

"Focus, Chuck. Who are they?"

"Uh. I don't know. They got in a fight with Sevika. They did a number on her."

Pleasure bubbles in my stomach as the thoigh of Sevika looking a fight. I almost laugh but I remain on target. Some girls fought devils and won. Some cyborg she is.

"Your a great help Chuck."

I travel upstairs. I guess sevika will come to Silco's office to update him soon enough. When I enter, the room no longer feels like a sanctuary. It is empty, no Silco. Although I knew he would be out it still aches. I trail my hand over the desk as I sit in his chair.

Sevilka's delay gives me time to revise and better execute my plan. I rig a gas bomb and trip wire and find Silco's gas mask in one of the drawers. Faze one complete, Sevika will be out cold for a while so I will have more time to plan later.

When I sit back in Silco's chair I spin it to face the city. The green glow emits from the streets. I watch people run deals and enforcers chase people down. I hear footsteps and tuck the mask under my leg. I get comfortable and compose my face. Sevika bursts in the door, her heavy footsteps practically shaking the whole house.

"We lost her."

I slowly spin in my chair and rest my arm in my knee.

"Lost who?"

Sevika growls and steps forward. The bomb clicks and green gas begins to engulf the room. Sevika begins coughing instantly. She fights her way forward. I click my mask on as Sevika stumbles into the desk. She coughs out the green grass and gulps more down like a drug. She slams herself on the desk and reaches up. Her fingers are a mere inch from my face when it falls. She goes unconscious.

I guickly tie Sevika to Silco's chair and begin spinning it. I sit on the desk and wait for her to wake up. I stare at her as she simply snores away.

"God just wake up already." I yell. "Yohoo."

I try rapping on her head with my knuckles. I try spinning the chair some more. Finally I just slap her in anger. It works she startled and takes deep breaths for a moment. I square her to me and brace my legs on the arms of the chair.

"Morning." I start. "I feel like you and I got off on the wrong arm."

I take the dagger from her shoulder sheath and flip it. I stare at the dagger, Sevika has good taste. I gently press the point into her good shoulder.

"Maybe we should try the other."

I slowly drag the dagger across to her robotic shoulder. I put the blade under her chin and lift it up. A small drop of blood dribbles down her neck.

"No need. It's your sisters." My gut wrenches. "Their back, their looking for you. It's not what you think. Their with some girl enforcer. Guess you've been replaced."

I tug her closer and my muscles move before I think. The dagger digs into Silco's chair. My face is inches from hers. She wears an arrogant smirk than enrages me farther.

"You're lying!" I yell.

"Why bother. With her back in tow , it's only a matter of time before you implode and Silco finally gets the massage that you're about as good for this cause as you were for your family."

Tears spring from my eyes. I clench my jaw as a sob escapes my chest. I flick my eyes up to Sevika who stares at me, thinking she's won. And she has, she got under my skin. I kick the chair back and leave a nice cut on her neck. I laugh, covering my pain with pretend.

"Ten outta ten toots." I smile and get in her face again. "I think I know just how to deliver that message."

I bring the hilt of the dagger to Sevika's temple. Once I've confirmed she's out I cut her free. Acting on instinct I tie her to the rafters now. I scribble words over her body, on the ceiling.

Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar.Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar.Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar.Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar.

Tears now flow freely from my eyes. My chest racks with sobs. I stare at Silco's now empty chair. Pain rips through my chest, the dagger finally tears open my heart. The pain is almost unbearable. My muscles move and the dagger lodges itself in Silco's chair, where his head would be. My knees give out. The world spins around me. I cover my head with my arms.

"You're perfect."

"I'm doing this for us Emris ."

"Your sisters are gone. You know that as well as I do."

"Emris ..."

"You're the only one I can trust with this Emris"


"You are stronger than you bileave I know it."


"You're strong now. Just like you were always meant to be. Emris is perfect."

"And Emris is perfect. You are perfect."

"Liar. You're a liar. You lied." I sob into my arms. "No. You're a liar."


The sobs drown away his voice, whispering my name. My hands shake as I lift to wipe the tears from my face. I bite the inside of my cheek. The tears stop flowing. My heart aches still. My hands continue to shake as I climb the rafters and slip from the room.

My room feels large, too large. I dig through my old boxes. I hope I didn't throw it into the chasm. I dig through and finally find the flare. If Vi and Powder are back, maybe they can forgive me. They can help me.

I break out into a sprint on Zaun's cobblestone roads. I know exactly where I'm going this time. The highest point in the undercity. They will see it from there.

Tears sting my eyes once again as I come to reach the top. I look out over the city. I look down at the flare in my hands. What will they think of me? I shake the question free from my mind. With shaky hands I pull the pin and bright blue smoke erupts from the end. I hold the flare above my head and hope I don't shake too badly.

I scan the streets for pink and blue hair. Anything, a glimpse. I want more than anything to know that someone truly cares. But I'm scared. If they really ever cared, I got them hurt from it. I hurt them because they cared. It was my fault.

My lungs burn with anticipation. I close my eyes and stand tall. I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand. Shadows swirl in my vision. I peel over my shoulder and see Milo and Claggor standing at my back, they wisper.

"Even if they see it their not coming, not for you."

"You've changed too much, they don't care."

"They left you for a reason."

"They don't care."

The flare begins to fade. The flame sizzles out. I stare at the flare for a moment. Heat rips through my chest. I throw the flare. I don't watch it land. I take the gemstone from my pocket and glare at it. They don't care.


Arcane || silco X Fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now