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I come down the stairs to see Mylo and Claggor arguing like children. They yell at each other and tug an item between them.

"I found it." Mylo yells.

"Respect the dibs, I called it already." Claggor argues.

"Stop being such a big baby."

The door opens behind me and Vi flies down the steps.

"Where's the-"

"Oh, you're back." Powder wraps her arms around Vi.

Vi looks down as Powder with tears in her eyes. She takes a shaky breath and pushes past powder's grasp. Powder stares after her as she crosses to the table. She reaches for Vanders metal gloves.

"Hey, those are Vander's, slow down. What's going on?" Mylo stops her with a hand.

"Benzos dead." Vi says shakily.

My body stills halfway down the stairs. I force my body to move slowly as I near them. Vi looks panicked and her hands shake.

"Dead?" Claggor gasps.

"They took Vander." Vi cries.

"Who took Vander?" I ask.

"I don't know but I need to help him."

"We're going with you." Mylo says.

"Whatever killed Benzo... was nothing like I've ever seen." Vi clenches her fists. "It tore him apart." She sobs.

"You're not doing this alone, Vi." Claggor and Mylo put comforting hands of Vis shoulders.

"He's our father too." Mylo says. "Do we know where they took him?"

"Ekko followed him. The old canary next to the docs, he said."

I turn and begin wrapping my knuckles and wrists in black leather.

"I'm gonna need you to sit this one out, Powder."

"I'm not afraid." Powder says.

"It's too dangerous."

"But families stick together, you said it yourself."

"I know what I said."

"I want to fight. I can help."

"You're not ready." Powder looks wounded. "You're all I have left. I can't lose you. Here if they come for you, run. Wherever you are light it up and I'll find you, I promise."

Vi hands Powder a flare. She gives Powder a light hug before turning and running out the door. I turn to powder.

Powder starts to cry. I kneel down and she throws herself in my arms. Her sobs drown out my own as I clutch her to me. Warmth blooms in my chest. Powder is my family, I will protect her, no matter the cost. I grip her shoulders and push her away slightly.

"Please stay here powder, you cant get hurt."


"This is too dangerous, people could die, you can't die. I have to have something to come back to."

I kneel down and caress her face. Powder leans into the touch.

"Do you understand?" I take her chin between my fingers.



I wrap her in one quick final hug before sprinting out the door. I know why Vi couldn't look back at powder when she left, she was afraid she wouldnt be able to leave her. I force my legs forward. I find VI and the others waiting for me outside the last drop's doors.

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