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The building is riddled with bullet holes. The shadows followed me back home. I didn't think when I walked, I only knew my body would take me to my sanctuary. Silco's office is sadly occupied when I climb onto the rafters. Marcus waits for Silco, tapping his foot. The door is opens and Silco enters the room with a somewhat surprised look on his face.

"Sheriff, what a lovely surprise."

"The Hextech wonder boy is on the council now," Marcus says as Silco sits at his desk. "and he's asking questions. It's only a matter of time before he finds the truth."

"What is truth, but a survivor's story."

"If I'm discovered, we're both finished."

Silco pulls one of my bombs from his desk. It was one of the first ones I made for him. The colorful markings still rest stop the metal, flawlessly protected after all these years.

"Good thing you've located proof of the firelights involvement."

Marcas hesitates before stepping forward. He reaches for the bomb. He examines it closely. His eyes flick towards silco.

"This has gone too far." his thumb caresses the pin.

"Hmm? Imagining yourself a hero? One final act to make you the martyr you've always seen yourself as?"

Marcas watches the bomb. I practically see the dream. Pulling the pin, killing not only himself but the famed crime lord of the undercity, Silco. A true Martyr. Fear lights in his eyes as he sees it, imagines it.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Silco watches him closely.

Marcus sighs and tucks the bomb in his pocket. He wordlessly flees the room. Silco leans forward on his knees.

"He's faltering."

I gaze down at him. His kingdom is beginning to crumble from beneath his feet. A pang goes through my chest as I see the mask fade. He is worried. About what? I have no idea.

"You need to weaponize the Hextech soon. Once we've cracked their prize, topside will have no power over us."

"I can't do it. Just.... give it to the doctor."

"You're the only one I can trust with this, Emris."

"I keep seeing them," I admit. "That day, the days leading up."

Silco gently stands from his desk and looks up at me. He looks closely at me, calculating. I watch his eyes gaze over me, inch by inch, piece by piece.

"Fear haunts us both, my darthing."

He beckons me down from the banister. I swing my legs over the side and land in a crouch on his desk. I slide my legs beneath me and hug them to my chest. He braces his hands on either side of me and leans close to my face.

"You are stronger than you believe, I know it."

"I'm not."

"You are."

I feel his fingertips gently push black locks from my face. He reaches around me and gathers my hair over one of my shoulders. I bring my head from between my knees and see him watching me closely.

A blanket of calm overwhelms me. My heart slows and I hear every beat in my ears. His hand travels to my face. He places his hand behind my ear and rubs circles on my cheek with his thumb. I lean into his touch, his warmth. He has done this many times over the years. He knows it calms my nerves if only for a moment.

My legs relax and lay over the side of the desk Silco now stands between them. He pulls me closer, my arms wrap around his torso. He takes a deep breath and slides arms around my shoulders. His fingers press into my skin, holding me close. His breath warms my neck as he bends to embrace me.

Arcane || silco X Fem OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin