"Aria, I'm sorry...but I have the complete right to be worried about you, and worried about this happening again."

I sighed, and closed my eyes.

"I know, Jake...I know you do...but I promise you, he is not hitting me. He has never hurt me, not once," I said and he was silent.

After a few more minutes of that silence, he spoke again.

"What happened to you two not being together?" He asked, and I tensed up.

You just had to make a show, didn't you...

I sighed again, "it's complicated..." I mumbled and he hummed.

Then we finally pulled into the local hospital parking lot.

We walked in, and the nurse at the front desk got us checked in. Everything felt like it was moving so slow, and I slumped into my chair with a huff.

I want to be back home.

With Alastor.

Eating cookies.

But instead I'm at this stupid hospital, waiting for a doctor to tell me there's absolutely nothing wrong with me.

"I'll pay the bill," Jake said suddenly, and I scoffed.

"Yea, no shit," I said back, and then immediately felt bad for the tone I used. In my defense, this is an annoying situation.

We sat in silence once more. We were literally the only people here, so I don't know why it's taking so damn long.

I saw movement to my left, and my eyes followed it. My...shadow...seemed to be moving on its own.

I was confused before I lowered my eyelids and stood up.

"I have to pee," I said plainly and went to the family bathroom, locking the door behind me and then crossing my arms.

I tapped my foot, waiting.

"If you make me count, I'm not going to be happy," I said after he didn't come out.

There was a disgruntled churr before Alastor's shadow slid under my feet and then rose up from the floor, turning solid.

I stared at him, my arms crossed.

"Let me guess...he sent you," I said, and the shadow nodded. I sighed heavily and rubbed my eyes, then shook my head.

"Fine, whatever," I mumbled, "if he wants to stalk me, I won't stop him. Just stay out of sight, ok?" I told the creature and he nodded again.

Then he churred softly and hesitated before he curled around me and settled under my chin. A bit of my irritation dissipated, and my scowl let up.

I gently started rubbing his ears, earning a purr.

"I'm not mad at you, buddy..." I said quietly, "I just wish none of this was happening."

He chittered and then licked my neck, then my cheek. I giggled and put my hand against his face, pushing him back.

"Quit that," I chuckled and he laughed as well. The noise was still creepy, but less off putting than before.

Then he sunk back into the floor, morphing into my shadow. I headed back out to the waiting room, and Jake was just sitting where I left him.

Before I could even sit down, the nurse popped out of the door leading back into the operations area, calling my name.

Jake went to stand up and I held my hand up, "I'm fine, just wait here," I said and he reluctantly sat back down. I gave him a small smile that fell as soon as I turned around.

The nurse lead me down the white hallway, and it seemed to stretch for forever. Finally we made it to a room where she sat me on a table and then scribbled something onto her clipboard.

"The doctor will be right with you," she said without looking at me, and then left the room, shutting the door.

I sighed, swinging my feet slightly. The cold metal table was uncomfortable.

After what felt like absolutely forever, there was a soft knock on the door before it opened. The doctor stepped in, and I gave her a half hearted smile.

"Hi, Honey, I was told you seem to have some unexplained bruising..." she said looking over her clipboard, then her eyes met mine, "so what exactly is the matter, hon?"

I pulled my sleeves up, showing her the bruises.

She gently looked over my arms, and she hummed softly after a moment of looking over them. She pressed down on one.

"Any discomfort...?" She asked and I winced slightly and nodded.

She stood back, pulling her gloves off and putting her hands on her hips.

"Well, by the looks of these bruises, they weren't caused by blunt trauma...they seem to be relatively fresh, as well, meaning you had to have done it within the last 24 hours," she said and my eyes widened.

"I know I didn't run into anything this many times in the last 24 hours," I said, disbelief in my tone.

She nodded, "I believe you. That's why I need to take some blood samples to run tests on...I think I know what's going on, but I just want to be sure," she said, and I nodded.

Whatever gets me out of here the fastest.

So, she ran her tests. She ended up taking three vials of blood, and pricking my finger. The tests themselves only took about 15 minutes.

"Ok!" The doctor started, walking in with her clipboard again, "so, I was right...it looks like you have an iron deficiency. So, I'm going to prescribe you some medication for that, and you should be ok to go," she said with a smile.

I sighed, relieved this is over.

"Oh, and you may have noticed some dizzy spells, and tiredness even though you got enough sleep...those things should go away as well after the medication has time to take effect," the doctor added and I nodded.

"Thank you," I said and I was lead back to the waiting room. Jake looked bored out of his mind, but perked up when I entered

He immediately stood up, and walked over to us. The doctor greeted him and I couldn't have cared less what they were talking about.

Jake started whispering, and I glanced over at him. The doctor nodded and then shrugged and shook her head, whispering back.

Jake visibly relaxed and let out a sigh of relief.

Then he took me back to his car, and we started the journey home.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now