Lauren's eyes widen as her jaw falls in shock. "When everything broke out it was said that the President got bit and sadly got killed before he could turn," She says.

"Do not question what the President wanted the world to believe what had happened to him," The lead soldier says.

"I am sorry, sir," Lauren says.

"Now then, the girl?" The lead soldier says.

Camila clutches Lauren's arm and looks at her who shakes her head, knowing the brunette wants to announce herself as the one they are looking for.

"I am here," Camila speaks anyway.


"Great, come with us," The lead soldier interrupts Lauren.

Before Camila can step forward, Lauren puts herself in front of her wife, making the soldiers raise their weapons at the crowd, causing them to scream and crouch in fear.

"We are authorized to be brutal if need to be, do not disrespect the orders of the President," The lead soldier says.

"You're not fucking taking her. I respect The Honorable One but I would not allow him to take my wife away from me," Lauren says.

"She will serve a great service for her country," The soldier says.

"What do you mean by that, sir?" Lauren asks.

"That is classified information, soldier. Now stand down," The lead soldier orders.

"I'm not a soldier anymore and I won't stand down. I will rather create treachery," Lauren says.

The lead soldier takes his pistol out of the holster shoots into the air, causing normal residents to scream and cower even more.

The soldiers put their assault rifles to Andrew's main crew, Lauren's, and at Andrew himself.

"To the side or we will shoot!" One soldier raises his voice.

"Andrew," Danai looks at him.

"Follow the soldier's orders," Andrew says.

They all kneel, holding their hands up in the air as four soldiers keep guns pointed at them all.

With that settled, the lead soldier points his gun directly at Lauren.

"Move now, soldier and we won't have to shoot you," The lead soldier says.

"Lauren... Just move," Camila says.

"I won't let them-"

"I don't want you getting shot!" Camila interrupts the green-eyed girl.

"Well, I'm sorry because I'm not moving," Lauren says.

The lead soldier tightens his grip and then pulls on the trigger, the bullet piercing Lauren's shoulder, knocking the green-eyed girl down to the ground.

"Lauren!" Camila yells.

She moves and wraps her arms around Lauren who has her hand putting pressure on her wound.

"Sedate them," The lead soldier says.

Two soldiers move and Andrew, his crew, and Lauren's crew try to get to the green-eyed girl and Camila but can't as guns are still pointed at them, at the ready to fire.

Lauren tries to move but whines in pain at the wound and Camila doesn't have the strength to fight the soldiers, all her attention only focused on her injured wife.

"Both of them, sir?" One of the soldiers asks.

"Yes. We are bringing Lauren Jauregui to the President for treachery," The lead soldier says.

Before anyone can do or say anything, the two soldiers sedate Lauren and Camila as one of the soldiers picks the brunette up in his arms and carries her over to the military car, settling her inside gently.

"Put a bandage on that wound. We don't want her bleeding out," The lead soldier orders, looking at an unconscious Lauren.

The second soldier nods and quickly but precisely takes the bullet out and fastens a bandage tightly so it can put pressure on the wound before he picks the green-eyed girl up in his arms and carries her out to the car as well, settling Lauren beside Camila.

The lead soldier whistles and the other three soldiers holding guns to Andrew, his crew, and Lauren's crew move and enter the car, their guns pointed at them the entire time.

"And don't follow us or we will kill you," The lead soldier looks at them.

He enters the military car and it backs away before turning and driving away.

Andrew gets up, followed by the rest as he stares at the retreating lights of the vehicle.

"Andrew! You have to do something!" Danai says.

"Yeah! He has my fucking sister and with you or not I'm going after them," Gerald says.

"Quiet!" Andrew raises his voice. He clenches and unclenches his fists as he sniffs back a tear. After a couple of seconds, he turns to face his crew and Lauren's crew. "I won't let them take Lauren away from me, I'm not losing her again. Gear up, all of you, we're going after them," Andrew says. He looks at them all before pushing past them and walks over to his home, worry, determination, and ready to kill evident all over his features.

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