"Jeremy's got his sketchpad out." Sasha tells Elena and Jenna with a smile on her face. 

"You're kidding." Jenna says. Sasha shakes her head no. 

"Well don't mention it to him." Elena says, "The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away.". Elena checks her phone and sighs. 

"Stefan?" Sasha asks her with a sad face, now she understood the hesitance to get with him. 

"Update?" Jenna asks. 

"He knows how I feel and where I stand. And I know how he feels and where he stands. But it doesn't matter. He's leaving, moving away". 

Both Jenna and Sasha have shocked faces. Sasha didn't know he was going to leave town. The three of them head out of the house. 

"Yours leaves, mine returns." Jenna says. 

"Logan?" Sasha asks. 

"Yup. I didn't let him pass the front door". 

"I hope you slammed it on his face." Elena says. 

"Ah, medium slam". 

Sasha kiddingly slaps her aunt. 

"Three strike rule, Jenna. You're not even allowed to watch the rules." Elena tells her. 

"Exactly. No more Logan "Scum" Fell." Jenna promises.


Charlotte and Sasha were walking to their classroom. 

"So how was last night's slumber party?" Charlotte asks. 

Images flash through Sasha's eyes. Bonnie getting locked in the bathroom, the fire, Damon bitting her, Stefan feeding her his blood, sex with Tyler. "Uneventful." Sasha lies. 

"That sucks. Thought there would be some drama at least". 

"Sorry Lottie nothing to tell here." it made Sasha upset to lie to her best friend, but she had promised her sister. As they were walking Matt and Caroline passed by them walking in the other direction. They look awfully chummy and laughing. Both girls stop walking and look back keeping their eyes on this unexpected pairing. Caroline and Matt are standing quite close to each other talking. Charlotte's face falls, he had finally gotten over Elena just to fall into someone else. "Maybe they're just friends", Sasha says guessing her friend's thoughts. But she knew Matt and he clearly liked Caroline as more than a friend. Charlotte also knows this. "Hey, can we talk?", a voice interrupts their oogling. They turn around to find Tyler standing there. Charlotte is automatically suspicious. Sasha had promised that had stopped talking. Sasha's face goes beet red. "Uhm yeah sure", she turns to Charlotte, "See you later". They walk to an empty hallway. "So I woke up and you weren't there", Tyler says rubbing his hair. "Yeah I had to get home before someone noticed I was gone. Or your mom found out", her fear of his mom made them both laugh. "Well, last night was interesting.". Understatement of the year. "Look Tyler I'm sorry for bothering you yesterday. I shouldn't have come to your house it was a mistake", Sasha starts rambling but is stopped suddenly by Tyler crashing his lips into her. At first, she's stunned but quickly kisses him back. His hands grab her waist pushing her into the lockers and making out with her. "After a few minutes they come up for breath. Sasha looks into his eyes and knows that she doesn't like him as more than a friend, she's using him to forget about life. "Tyler. I don't -", Tyler shuts her up by giving her a chaste kiss. "I don't care", he says, "Call me whenever you want to repeat last night". He smirks at her and walks away, leaving her breathless against the lockers.

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