I kissed her head, and she took a deep breath. I'm not usually this adapting in a comforting role, but she watched a lot of romance, so it's become a bit easier to figure out what to say to her.

She understands that I'm different. I don't know how much she understands, but she does. She knows that I'm different at home and that I don't smile much or speak if I don't have to. She finds comfort in that. I'm not sure how she adapts to me to fluidly, but she does, and I don't know how to thank her for that.

She gave me a shallow nod, and I kissed her lips with confidence and reward for trying. If you asked me three weeks ago how I felt about trying, I would've said that it wasn't enough, trying isn't finishing. But now, all I can ask of her is to try.

I got out first and went around to open her door. She stood out and took my arm immediately. I led her up the path where everyone greeted us. The food was on warmers or ice, and kids ran around the park; the whole neighborhood was here.

I scanned the area for any threats before my eyes landed on one. My partner.


She started to make her way over just as a few women started to address Kay.

"Karol, it's been a while, are you okay? I nearly came and knocked on the door!"

She forced a smile and nodded as they went on and on.

I rolled my eyes as Snow interjected with bottles.

"Hope you don't mind if I butt in!" She pressed through the middle-aged women and pressed a bottle into my hand. Thankfully, it's a juice so I can drink it freely.

I walked a few steps away and left Kay in my sights. We got a few lurking stares, but that wasn't new.

She bumped my shoulder and leaned over with a smirk. "So this is your assignment, cute, just like the little mojo at Gigi's."

I laughed, she has no idea,

She nodded and took a swig, "they told me he came back and tried to take you with."

I shrugged at that, "Like, hell I'd go."

I saw the smile in her eyes fall and knew it was getting to the reason for this visit, "He's raising claims against you at the Hub, no one in the branch believes him, but there is going to be an investigation, it's protocol."

A frown fell on my face, and at the moment, as I saw Kay, start looking around for me. Her face contorted into real fear, the kind I hadn't seen before. Even when Gigi was tormenting her, she was never afraid at least not outwardly.

"Kay!" I call her name and she immediately finds me. She dashed towards me, slamming into me in a hug. I wrapped my arm around her as she settled down, I could feel her anxious shaking.

"I thought-," she whispered, dropping her eyes away from mine. But I stopped her quickly I knew what she was going to say and it was going to be too soon.

So I lifted her chin with a finger and kissed her lips lightly, "I'm right here."

For a moment it was quiet and we were the only two people in the world. Of course, all good things must end.

"We should probably talk in private, let's head to the house," I offered to Snow. We obviously have big things to discuss.

Me and Snow sat in the garage. I gave Kay the task of making something small for us. She got right to work, I'm sure sensing what we had to talk about was important.

I started to pace and let go of myself a bit to ease the stress of the situation. I pulled my tie to lose it as I waited for the briefing.

"So they're going to investigate the site for a while, they'll rake you in for questioning, you'll maintain a professional outlook on the situation and make that idiot look like the desperate pool he is."

My Kitten (GirlxGirl)(MDLG)Where stories live. Discover now