"I love you Chris." This time I initiate the kiss and it gets heated real quickly. I pull away and look around the halls are empty and I grab Chris's hand and drag him with me.


I open the door and push him inside. "My exam." He whines and I laugh. "I'm pretty sure you are late already jackass." I laugh as he glares at me but looks at his phone. "Shit you're right."

"Aren't I always."

"Shut up!" He gives me that grin I love.

"Make me."


His lips are on mine as he pushes me against the door and unbuttons my pants. I desperately fumble with his as I kick off my shoes and he shimmies my pants down and pulls his own down as well.

"We could get caught." He says and I hum as he attacks my neck and I can't think straight as he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him as I feel his hard cock push inside me.

"Fuck" I hiss and he looks at me with concern. "Are you okay love?" I nod my head and move my hips. He pulls out and thrusts back into me.

Fuck! Did he get bigger?

"We have to hurry" I pant out and he gives me a mischievous smirk. "What you don't want people to watch us?" I throw my head back and hit the door as I laugh. "Not at school, God I created a monster. Who would have thought that you love people watching us." He grunts as he thrusts in and out of me faster and harder.

"Oh shit babe I'm gonna."

"Cum for me Spitfire." He pulls out and moves in at a different angles and I come undone. He crashes his lips to mine to muffle my moans because if he didn't I would be screaming. I feel his movements become jerky and this he cums. He lifts me up and then sets me down on my feet. I'm about to bend down to get my clothes when my boyfriend decides to shock me again as he bends down and laps his tongue on my folds.

"Chris I can't." I feel my legs shake and he pulls back smiling at me. "I was just cleaning you up love." He gets ups with my underwear and pants.

"Uh huh." I laugh as I out my clothes back on as he puts his back on too. We stare at each other and he kisses me tenderly.

"C'mon Spitfire we should go."

He opens the door with his arm around my shoulder and when we get into the hallway we stop dead in our tracks.

"Well, well, well. That sounded like a quickie. Guess he doesn't satisfy you that well huh Red."

Fuck this is not good.

Before I can say anything Chris slams him into the wall.

"I know you're trying to mess with my girlfriend's head. You're dumb mind games are not going to work."

"Chris let's go."

He shoves Dom back into the wall. "Stay away from Stacy." Chris let's go of him but I see Dom's lips moving but can't hear what he's saying. Next thing I know is Chris hitting Dom repeatedly.


He doesn't pay attention to me as he keep hitting him. I look around and see no one is around. I grab Chris's arm which was a big mistake because he pulls his arm back and it gets me in the chest and knocks me back.

I hear Dom laugh and Chris looks at me in shock and there is pain in his eyes. He didn't do it on purpose, I know he would never hurt me.

"You're just like me." Dom laughs again.

"I'm nothing like you, you fucking bastard. I'm the one that saved her from your dumbass."


Chris turns to me and looks me over. "Baby are you okay. I am so sorry." He hangs his head. I want to comfort him but I'm still in shock.

"I'm fine, you didn't do it on purpose."

He shakes his head and I see tears slip from his eyes. "I would never hurt you."

"I know." I see his hands shake. "C'mon let's get out of here." I turn to Dom and kick him in the stomach. "Stay the fuck out of my life."

"Going to kick a man while he is down."

"Why not? You did worse to me."

Chris hesitantly takes my hand and we walk away. But I stop us as soon as we are outside.

"What did you mean back there Chris?"

He pulls away and runs his hands through his hair.

"I was the one who found you after what that mother fucking piece of shit douchebag did to you."

I would laugh at his name calling but I'm too shocked yet again.

Chris is the one who saved me.

"I need to know everything."

A/N: Sorry for the delay in updates. With the holidays, my mom coming to visit from Cali and my daughter's birthday coming up...life has been super busy.

Stacy- "Oh good. I thought you were kidnapped or something."

Lexi- "Kidnapped? What the fuck?"

Stacy- Shrugs shoulders, "well it is something you wrote about, why not it be real."

Jaxon- "Yeah I'm still not happy about that."

Stacy-"Get out of here Jaxon you weren't even in this chapter."

Jaxon- "Fine I'm going to go find Lucas and fuck his brains out. See you soon Lexi." He smirks at me as he walks away.

Stacy- "See he's not over the whole kidnapping thing. So it could have happened."

Lexi- "Girl have you been smoking pot again."

Stacy- Gasps "What? I have never..."

Lexi- Eyebrow raised and taps foot on the ground.

Stacy- "Okay there was that one time, but you can't tell Chris."

Chris- "Tell Chris what?"

Stacy- "Shit! Nothing love."

Lexi & Stacy- "Nothing."

Chris- Looks at us funny. "Uh huh sure. You two are up to no good I have a feeling."

Stacy- "Never!" Kisses Chris's cheek.

Lexi- "Well this has been fun. I got to go write a chapter for Holiday Disasters and it's a steamy one." Smirks and giggles.

Stacy- "Always having fun aren't you."

Lexi- "Always! Bye guys have fun."

Chris- "Oh we will." Chris picks up Stacy over his shoulder and she laughs. "Later Lexi."

Lexi- I wave at them and laugh as I walk away. "Man I have a lot of catching up to do on these books." I sigh as I sit down. "To all my readers thank you for your patience. I wish I could have updated sooner but life happens. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Who's ready for Christmas?" Note the sarcastic tone 😂😂 "I'm still not ready for it but I love Christmas. Until next time!"

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