Chapter 15; Claire Curvel

Start from the beginning

I stumbled over my feet a bit as Glenn moved me back by my shoulders, looking down at me. "Then why won't you say it back?" He asked sadly, hurt evident in his voice.

Because I can't. I can't handle losing someone else that I let too close to me. I'm already getting too close to all these people on this farm and that is going to lead to nothing but hurt and anger when something happens to one of them. I can't let you in like that Glenn. All these thoughts ran through my head, but I couldn't find the courage to open my mouth because honestly, I had no real reason.

I groaned in frustration, my hands on Glenn's shoulders as I stood on my tip toes and angrily pressed my lips to his. I closed my eyes -putting all I felt into the kiss as Glenn pulled me back to him, his arms under my arms to lift me up a bit more. Glenn's lips moved against mine softly, the taste of his lips leaving me light headed. It felt like heaven when everything else was falling apart. I pulled away from him, planting my feet back firmly on the ground as I looked down blushing; the only noise between the two of us was our breathing.

I frowned slightly -pushing Glenn back from me a little disappointed. Why wasn't he saying anything? "I-i have to go," I stuttered, wiggling Glenn's hands off of me and hurrying off to the kitchen with my heart beat drumming in my ears loudly.

Maggie instantly saw me once I was in the kitchen and rushed over to me. "Woah woah slow down," Maggie insisted, stopping me in my tracks. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

What? I swiped the back of my hand on my face, feeling the wetness on my cheeks. I didn't even know I was crying. I shook my head, sniffling as I wiped at my face furiously with the back of my hand. "I'm fine, it's nothing," I replied.

  "It obviously ain't nothing Claire, come 'ere." Maggie grabbed my hand, pulling me over to the counter and telling me to sit. I sighed, hopping onto it and leaning my head against the cold cabinet behind me. Maggie came towards me with a wet washcloth, patting it gently onto my face before stepping back with a small smile. "You want me to talk to him?"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Who?"

  "Glenn," She answered. 

  "No. I'm going into town for a run, tell Hershel I'm taking a horse," I told her.

Maggie shook her head worriedly. "By yourself? I don't think that's such a good idea," She objected. "Especially with that ankle and wrist of yours Claire."

  "I'll be fine. Besides the swelling went down in my ankle and it don't hurt no more."

  "At least let me ask around to see if I can get one of Rick's group to go with you."

I nodded, hopping off the counter. "Don't ask Glenn," I demanded, looking up at Maggie sternly. She sighed, nodding her head once at me. I gave her a strained smile before walking out the back door.

Didn't really need anything from town, but I didn't want to stay at the house any longer today. I needed to clear my mind. I dragged my boots in the dirt as I made my way over to the stable barn, huffing as I grabbed a saddle and put it on Custer, Beth's horse. I made sure the saddle was on tightly and hoisted myself up, swiping the back of my hand across my forehead to get rid of the sweat. 

  "Were you even going to tell me you planned on going into town when you know the place was over run by walkers?"

I snapped my neck in the direction of the voice I didn't want to hear, almost giving myself whiplash. I scowled, my face heating up in anger as I watched him saddle up a horse. "I don't want you coming with me," I spat. "I can take care of myself."

Glenn chuckled, getting onto the horse and tapping its side gently to get it moving. "I know you can, but that isn't going to stop me from worrying about you."

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