Paladin Brawl

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The Paladin stomps to them when Weiss makes another sheet of ice. Yang punches it making a thick layer of fog. Sensors on the robot deploy searching for the girls. Through the fog Ruby slashes the Paladin's face pushing it back.

Blake and Weiss then rush forward slicing the Paladin pushing it further back. The Paladin goes to step on Blake but Weiss uses a white glyph to pull her away. The Paladin launches rockets at the duo who backflip to dodge.

The Paladin fires a blast from its gauntlet which sends Weiss backwards. More rockets are fired when Weiss makes a yellow glyph under Blake. This allows Blake to move fast enough to slice each of the missiles in half.

Ruby and Blake rush at the Paladin cutting it with their weapons. They jump and come back down slicing off the Paladin's left arm. Yang jumps landing on the Paladin's back. She punches it several times before jumping backwards.

She's slammed through two pillars before letting go. As she slides the Paladin punches her through a third pillar. As Yang gets to her feet while the Paladin stomps to her. The Paladin punches Yang only to get its fist caught.

Yang's hair turns golden as she punches the Paladin's arm to pieces. It then kicks her back past her teammates. She catches Blake's gun and is spun around. She goes to punch the Paladin but it just jumps back avoiding her.

Ruby aims her scythe as Weiss forms glyphs over the barrel. Blast after blast ice chunks stick to the Paladin until it's frozen in place. Yang is once again spun around this time actually hitting the Paladin. Bowler hat man tumbles out and dusts himself off.

Yang fires a blast from her gauntlets but has it blocked by a girl with a parasol. Yang rushes at them and delivers a right hook. But upon contact them shatter into glass. I look up and see those two escaping in a bullhead. I growl before just heading back to Beacon and sleep for the day. When the sun rises I wait for class to arrive.

Ruby: "Morning professor Y/N."

Y/N: "Good morning. Team RWBY, how are you?"

Weiss: "We're fine."

Blake: "Why?"

Y/N: "Just curious. You girls look a little tired, did you get enough sleep last night?"

They become nervous.

Yang: "Y-Yes."

Y/N: "You know it's not polite to lie to your superior."

Ruby: "What uh... what're you talking about?"

Y/N: "I have this no good feeling that you four did something last night you weren't supposed to."

Now they begin sweating.

Y/N: "Do one of you wanna tell me what it is you did?"

They remain quiet.

Y/N: "Team JNPR, you're dismissed."

They leave the room putting the pressure of the four girls.

Y/N: "I'll hold you four here all day if I need to."

There's a moment of silence before Weiss breaks it standing up.

Weiss: "Sir, we went out after lights out."

Y/N: "And where did you go?"

Weiss: "Vale sir."

Y/N: "To do?"

Weiss: *looks down and rubs arm* "To try and find out what the White Fang are planning."

I narrow my eyes as she sits down. 

Y/N: "What you four did was dangerous. You could've been hurt or worse killed. How'd you think we feel if that happened and none of us knew?"

They all look down in shame.

Yang: "Are we in trouble?"

Y/N: "Yes. You'll be punished severely, except Weiss."

Ruby: "Why not her?"

Y/N: "Because she came clean."

*small timeskip*

I look at the girls to see them each doing their punishment. Yang is still in the handstand position on a leaned back chair sweating up a storm. Blake is rocking herself fighting the urge to not read the mountain of books in front of her. Ruby is using her semblance to run in a circle without stopping. And Weiss is writing the same sentence with a massive dunce hat on her head.

Y/N: "Alright, you girls can stop."

Ruby stops and runs to the trashcan, Yang sighs and falls off the chair, Blake dives headfirst into the books and Weiss places the chalk down while rubbing her wrist.

Y/N: "I hope you all learned your lesson."

RWBY: "Yes sir."

Y/N: "Good. You're dismissed."

They all leave the classroom while Yang slings Ruby over her shoulder taking the trashcan with her.

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