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When the sun rises I get up and dress myself. I then head to history class.

Oobleck: "Yes prior to the Faunus War humans were quite insistent on placing the Menagerie population into one location. While this might feel like old news to you, it's imperative to know that these events are actually pretty recent. The repercussions of which are still felt to this very day. Now, which of you have been judged because of their Faunus heritage?"

With a quick glance I see half the class raising their hand.

Oobleck: "This is simply dreadful. Remember it's this kind of ignorance that breeds war. Just look at the White Fang. On another note, which of you can tell me what many believe to be the turning point of the Faunus War?"

Weiss: "The fight at Fort Scarlet."

Oobleck: "Correct, and who knows the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune?"

Jaune: *holds head* "Hey."

Oobleck: "Thanks for volunteering, what's the answer?"

Jaune: "I uh... I don't know."

Oobleck: "Cardin, perhaps you can give us the answer."

Cardin: "It's less of a hassle to train an animal than a soldier."

I grit my teeth and fire a blast of light. He gets hit and knocked out of his seat.

Cardin: "The hell was that for!?!"

Y/N: "You're pissing me off."

Oobleck: "Y/N, please refrain from using violence. Cardin, that was an unnecessary remark. See me after class."

Jaune slightly snickers which doesn't go unnoticed by Oobleck.

Oobleck: "You too Mr. Arc."

I grit my teeth and exit class as the bell rings. A few days later I walk back to my dorm when I see Jaune sulking.

Y/N: "What's wrong with you?"

Jaune: "I messed up big time. I said some things I wished I hadn't and now I'm Cardin's slave, my team probably hates me and Pyrrha won't talk to me. I'm starting to think coming here was a bad idea."

Y/N: "So you're just gonna mope? Instead of doing something about it you're just gonna give up and whine?"

Jaune: "I..."

Y/N: "Life's unfair Jaune. Right when all seems good you're thrown a damn curveball that fucks everything up. You're not the only one going through shit. There're people out there who've been dealt far worse hands than yours. So if I were you I'd quit my bitching and fucking do something about my shitty situation."

He looks down while I head to my dorm. The next day we all head out to the Forest of Forever Fall. 

Goodwitch: "While the forest is indeed beautiful, we're not here for the sights. Your job is to gather a jar of red sap for Professor Peach. Be sure to stay in teams because this forest is filled with Grimm. At four you're all to come back here so we can leave."

I break off from everyone and collect my jar. When I'm finished I turn into a Hooten and fly towards Jaune. After perching I see Jaune getting ready to throw a jar of sap at a student. I narrow my eyes when he throws the sap all over Cardin.

I smile when Cardin punches Jaune across the face. As he get pummeled I grit my teeth and fall out of the tree turning into an Ursa Major. I stalk towards the four idiots before standing up and roaring as loud as I can. 

Russel: "That's a big Ursa!"

Sky: "Let's get out of here!!!"

They run away leaving their leader behind.

Cardin: "Jerks!!!"

I get on all fours and run towards Cardin. He withdraws his mace but I swat it away and knock him onto his back. I then pin Cardin down and raise my claws above him. However Jaune cuts my chest stopping me.

Cardin: "What're you doing!?!"

Jaune: "You're an asshole. But a true Huntsman doesn't stand and watch people die."

I smile at his bravery and decide to put his training to the test. I bring my paw down but he rolls dodging it. I then swing low which he jumps over. I use this moment to punch him across the ground. 

Jaune tumbles onto his feet and runs back at me. He jumps at me; I turn and smack him into the ground. He gets up and looks at his scroll. He looks down before just running at me. I join him and we both deliver an attack.

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