Chapter 40 - Edited

Start from the beginning

Have we become distant? Artemia asked Mera.

"Yes. Clearly so, but it has been used as a protection for the both of you. A way to survive a circumstance where you have been pushed to the brink that your soul has become fractured. It is easily undone. Just see yourself as one again. How did it feel to be one? Whole?"

Ava touched Artemia's large neck and closed her eyes, Artemia followed a moment later.

Artemia connected to Ava and Ava back to her and they started to feel the connection they had been ignoring from the time they left their pack to this point.

Ava could feel their connection strengthening. The cord that connected them together began to glow and sharpen. Artemia glowed and simmered before she began to fade back into Ava again. Ava blinked and saw through the eyes of her wolf for the first time in months. With tears streaming down her face, she hugged Mera tightly before stepping back to wipe her eyes.

"Thank you." Was all she said.

Mera nodded to Ava and gestured that she should lay down on the markings in the centre of the stone circle.

There were twelve. Three by three by three by three. The strongest together as the witches moved and spread out to surround Ava. Three for each element with the spirit being the fifth.

Ava felt the power surge and still before it drew up quickly before settling. The flames lit and erupted until the flames grew inches from the wick. Ava felt the pressure of the power like a blanket move over her and her eyes closed slowly, but her third eye opened. She saw everything in bright white light.

The moon Goddess, Artemia and she stood in a smaller version of the stone circle. They listened as the voices rose and sang the words that would start and end it all.

"We are the twelve, powered three by three by three by three times more, collectively we stand, raised in power of the light to push out darkness that remains in our sight. Three by three we stand in earth to ground, to shield and to guide to each abound," three women lifted their hands to the stone ceiling.

"Three by three we stand in fire, to burn and cleanse and rebirth to new." Another three women raised their hands.

"Three by three we stand in air so that we can blow away what harms us here." Another three raised their hands.

"And lastly, three by three we stand in water to purify, cleanse and transmute what is dark to light again." The last three raised their hands once more and the density of the power they wielded got heavier still. The air was thick and cold with the power as things stirred but didn't move.

"We raise our voices, hands in welcome to break the curse that ails our power. We break what sought a child of sight and bring her back to what is right."

"Where darkness takes and drains and draws, bloodthirst and more and more and more. We call to thee, Creator of all and true, to break the curse of darkness that spews. Now take and lift the darkness out and take it in your light above. Harm to none, love to all. We wish this curse broken, once and for all. And so it is! So mote it be!"

"So mote it be!" Echoed the stone room twelve times over until their voices repeated on their own. The magic of the moment taken as spirit began to speak the spell over and over to enhance what was done until the final moment when the curse would either take root or be broken forever.

The moon Goddess, Ava and Artemia sat in a circle inside the stone circle. They didn't chant but had closed their eyes to allow the power to wash over them. Ava could feel something twisting and turning inside of her.

Music from bells played softly around her as spirit took the chant to them in the circle. Twelve female spirits dressed in white stood around them. The chant they spoke getting louder and louder. Ava, Artemia and the moon Goddess felt the push of power lift them up and flatten them straight over the stone circle so they were spread out in sections of thirds.

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