"Wow," Charlotte's voice breaks him from his growing discomfort and he looks at her, raising a brow at the obvious mocking tone to her voice. Silently, she points a painted finger at a framed script hanging on the wall, and her smugness grows by tenfold. "This really dates you, you know."

Damon observes the document, his eyes narrowing as her joke finally registers once he sees his and Stefan's name on the original town charter. "Have you ever thought about doing comedy after school? It seems like a good path for you,"

She snorts, amused at his ire as she adjusts the tied strap on her shoulder. "I was thinking about pursuing the medical field or something, but if you really believe in my comedic abilities, I guess I should just go for it, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah," Damon rolls his eyes, throwing his arm around her shoulders as he steers them out of the room and back into the gathered crowd. The sun had long since set, so all of the lights that were scattered along the property were lit up. His eyes scanned over the crowd until he finally located his brother, and he immediately started to lead Charlotte in their direction.

"Oh, look, the happy couple."

"What? Oh, Damon, no, don't–"


"Interrupt them," Charlotte finishes her sentence with a sigh, giving Damon a scolding look as they came to a stop beside Elena and Stefan. She shared a small, apologetic smile with her twin, not missing the way the brothers still eyed them like they were an anomaly. "Hey, Lena,"

Elena looks knowingly at Charlotte and leans into her sister slightly, nudging her in the ribs. "Hey, Charlie." She looks her technically older sister up and down and pulls lightly on the bow-tied strap on her shoulder. "I'm glad you went with the orange dress, that green one washed you out, I think,"

Charlotte sighed in agreement, looking down at her dress. "Yeah, I like this one," She shrugs, somewhat uncomfortable. "Just a little exposed, I guess."

Her hands brush nervously over her forearms and Damon's brows furrow as she folds her arms into her chest in a shielding manner.

"Oh, my god, there you are!" Caroline's voice rang through the group, and though Charlotte was thankful for the distraction, she wasn't sure if she was really prepared for Caroline's inevitable faux pas. "Cory doesn't want to dance with me anymore, he said I was ruining his chances of finding a man, but every guy here is like over thirty."

Charlotte sighed, eyes rolling to the ceiling exasperatedly. "I can't leave him for five minutes, I swear to god,"

"So, Elena, can I just borrow your date?" Caroline smiled, her eyes flicking to Stefan with a knowing mischief. The blonde tucked a curl behind her ear and looked up at Damon, who was watching her with a raised brow. "Or yours, Charlotte. You guys can't hog them all night, you know,"

Charlotte looks at Damon, who grimaces, and she smiles softly. "I mean, if you want to, go for it."

Damon shoots his gaze to her, surprised that she'd sell him out, and he vehemently shakes his head. "No, I don't dance unfortunately. But, uh, Stefan does. You should see it, it's really something,"

Caroline's bright eyes light up with dangerous satisfaction, and she dutifully ignores Stefan's refusals with a determination that Charlotte almost envies. Let it be said that Caroline Forbes never lets anything stop her from getting what she wants, even if it hurts her best friend.

Watching his brother be dragged off with a smug glee, Damon turns his attention to Elena. "So, are you enjoying yourself tonight, Elena?"

The girl shrugs, nodding somewhat shyly under the unwavering attention of the man. "Yeah, it's been fun. I'm not into history like Charlie is, but I think it's cool that our town is full of it."

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