Chapter 18

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I'm here at my apartment right now planning a surprise for Adeline. Ever since I started my first social media and posted that video, my phone notification has been blowing up non-stop.

I'm planning on asking Adeline to go out on an official date with me tomorrow and make our relationship official.

I'm calling Elena right now.

"What is it mf??" She answered.

"I wanna buy three customized jewelry and I need it tomorrow," I said.

"Why don't you come to my office right now, so we can discuss the details of your order." She said.

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute." Then I hang up the call and left my apartment. And entered my car then started driving to Elena's office.

After a couple of minutes of driving, I arrived at Kyra Jewelry's main branch, which is where Elena's office. I entered the building and immediately went straight to Elena's office.

"Ahhhh my beloved friend what do you want??" Elena asks being a mf she is.

"I want three pieces of jewelry, two bracelets, and one necklace. The bracelets should represent a relationship or a couple. And for the necklace, I want to engrave something in it."

I said seriously.

"Woah, who are you and what did you do with my perverted friend??? I know you've changed mf, but I didn't know you'll reach this level." She said and looks at me amusingly.

I glared at her a little.

"Im serious mf."

She shook her head and show me some brochures for the gemstones and design.

"I prefer the white and brown gemstone for the two bracelets and, white for the necklace."

Elena showed me some Topaz stone, Tiger's eye stone, garnet, citrine, and many more. After I picked some gemstones, Elena showed me a brochure of designs from Bracelet to, Necklace.

We're here in the living room right now because Andy said she and Skyler have something to say to me. And I'm also gonna talk to Andy about staying at Skye's, but I won't specifically say that it's Skye.

We sat on the sofa and Andy and Skyler shared a nervous look.

"So what are we gonna talk about??" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Mom, remember our conversation about me moving in with Skyler after we're married??"

I nod,

"Well, back then we didn't consider me being pregnant, but now that I am..." They both shared a nervous look.

Andy sighed, then Skyler spoke.

"With your permission, I would like Andy to move in with me so I can take care of her and our growing baby 24/7 ma'am" Skyler spoke, looking worried.

I look at them smiling.

"Of course she can." I took both of their hands into mine and look at them in the eyes.

"I know you'll take good care of my baby Skyler. The both of you don't need to be nervous about this topic ok." I reassured them.

I look at Andy,
"You're gonna be a mom Andy and I know that you'll be a good mom, and I know that your priorities have changed the moment you've known that you'll be a mother. You don't need to worry about me ok." I can see Andy tearing up. Happy tears.

"I'll be ok Andy." I wiped her tears.

I look at Skyler,

"Thank you Skyler for respecting me, by asking for my permission first. I know that you'll take good care of my daughter and my growing grandchild." Skyler can't stop smiling at what I said.

Then I look at them both.

"If the both of you need something that I can help with, please don't hesitate to call me. I'll be here for both of you no matter what time. Both of you Prioritize your wedding, your growing family, and each other ok. Don't worry about me I'll be ok, the both of you don't need to worry about me being alone here, because I'll be busy with work and I won't be staying here anyway for a couple of days."

I spoke then Andy gasped,


I laugh,
"Of course not, I'll stay in her place for just a couple of days," I said.

Andy stood up and hugged me.

"Thank you mom, I love you so so much." She said. My heart swelled in happiness.

"I love you too Andy, and I want you to be happy. And knowing Skyler I know he'll make you happy and love."

"I know mom, and I hope this woman your seeing will also make you happy and special."

"She already does Andy, every time I spend the day with her. Every time she's in my arms I'm already happy and safe." I said fondly about Skye.

"She's so lucky mom, and I hope I'll meet her soon." She said smiling.

"Soon Andy, you'll meet her soon."

"Now we're gonna go now mom, to our appointment at the doctor." They both stand up.

I nod and reply,

"Ok, and im gonna go resume packing my clothes," I said.

I kissed them farewell and they left. I went back to my room and continue packing some of my clothes.

I was in the middle of packing when my phone ring.

It's Skye, I immediately answered her call.

"Hey, baby." I greeted.

"Hey to you too my sweet, I just finished my meeting with Elena, and now im heading back to my apartment. Do you want me to pick you up my sweet??" I can hear her entering her car.

"Sure you can pick me up, Andy isn't here so when you arrive you can just enter my house," I said.

"Ok, I'll be there in a moment my sweet." Then she hangs up the call and I resume packing.

I just arrived at Adeline's house. I got out of my car holding a bouquet of white tulips. I can see that door is unlocked so I let myself in and locked the door.

I went up, to Adeline's room when I saw her packing some lingerie.

I smiled and wrapped my one arm around her waist, while the other is holding the flowers.

She jolted a little then, relaxed when she realized that it's me.

She pressed her back against my body, savoring then spoke.

"Hey, baby."

I present her with the flowers and she smiled.

"Baby..." She accepts the flowers, faced me smiling then pressed a soft kiss on my lips.

I wrap my arms around her waist, pressing her body into mine.

"Mmm... My sweet."

Then she pulls back. As she pulls back she lightly nips and tugs my lower lip.

She smirked,

"Your feeling naughty my sweet," I said coyly then lift her off the floor and carried her into her bed.

I set her down into the bed and kissed her, now I'm on top of her lavishing her lips and neck.

"Mmmm... Baby."

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