Chapter 14

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I just woke up, when I heard my phone ping.

I look to see what it is, and it was from Andy.

"Mom, I know you're loving the company of your Paramore right now🙄🙄. But I need you tomorrow at Skyler's place."

I sigh and replied.
"Okay, sweetie."

Then I realize Skye isn't here with me in her room, I was about to stand up and look for her when she entered the room holding a tray of food.

She set the food down at the side table and returned in my embrace. I just smile, I will never get tired of her clinginess and being a big baby.

"My sweet, I wanna spend some time with you tomorrow but Skyler texted me that we have a family gathering tomorrow." She said In a child-like voice and pouts.

I kissed her pouting lips,

"Andy also texted me that we're going to Skyler's place tomorrow."

She sighs and buries her face between my breast.

"I guess it's the same party huh," I said and she nods.

"So that means I won't hold you like this tomorrow, or kiss you??" I can hear the sadness in her voice.

I sigh, we have to be discreet tomorrow because both of our families don't know a thing about us.

"Hey, don't worry we will tell them when we're ready ok," she nods.
"And don't worry, tomorrow after the gathering we'll hang out ok."

She nodded again,
"So that means you'll go there alone??"

I sigh and replied,
"Yeah, I know it's hard but we need to endure it, just for tomorrow. Then after that, I'm yours."

She looks up at me with a smile on her face.

"Oh really??? So you're mine??"
Then she's grinning furiously.

I laugh and replied,
"Yes, I'm yours."

Then she captured my lips into a heated kiss.

Then her hands are creeping inside my clothes.

I smile against her lips and savor her touch.

"Mmmm... Baby, what about our... Food???" I said while responding to her kisses.

She took all of my clothes and throw them across the room.

Now I'm bare naked, beneath her. Skye has seen my naked body a lot of times, and still, her expression looking at my body hasn't changed. She looks at my body with adoration mixed with lust and desire.

Every time she worships my body, it's boosting my confidence.

She took one of my beads inside her mouth.

"Mmmm... Baby, I only have 30 minutes... To get ready... Ohhhh, fuck!!" I didn't realize that her mouth was already in my pssy.

"Fuck baby!!! I still have to go to work... Holy... Fucking fuck!!!" I jolted as Skye gently nip my clitoris using her teeth. Fuck it's so good.

I look down to see what she's doing, and I can see her smiling against my pssy.

She looks up at me, then she inserts her tongue inside me.

Which is so good. Then her fingers joined her mouth.

"Mmmm!!! Baby!!!"

My body is arching over the bed.

"Mmm!! Baby, your mouth and hands are so good!!" As I moaned

I grip on the sheets for support because the pleasure she gave me was unbelievable.

"Fuck baby!! If you... Keep... Holy shit!!!" I moaned.

"Finish your sentence my sweet." She said. Then nips my clitoris who are so sensitive. Then I can feel my pleasure reaching its peak.

I grabbed the back of her neck and started grinding my hips against her mouth.

"Fuck baby!! Right....fucking....there...!!!" God her wicked tongue is so good.

"Cum for me my sweet." Then she nips my clitoris and it was too much. My orgasm hits like a dam. My body convulses in pleasure as I cum against her mouth.

Skye drinks every drop of my cum as my body slumps against the bed, still ringing after that mind-blowing orgasm.

Skye crawled on top of me, then she again started sucking my breast. And I smiled, then she captured my lips into a heated kiss. I can still taste myself in her tongue and lips.

"Mmm... I love when I can taste myself on your tongue." Then I grinned.

She chuckles against my lips,
"And I also love tasting you. You taste like honey my sweet."

I laugh,
"Ok² that's enough, I still have to go to work."

I shook my head and pressed a quick kiss onto her lips.
"Fine² you go take a shower, while I reheat and pack that food for you."

She pinches my nose and replies,
"Thank you, baby." Then she entered the bathroom while I head to the kitchen. Starting to reheat and pack the food for Adeline.

I was in the middle of cooking when I heard my phone ring. I look to see who it is and it was Amelia.

"Hello, mf-" I didn't finish my sentence when Amelia interjected me.

"No time for jokes mf, I just detected that someone is stealing from your restaurant's profit from this past few days," Amelia said in a serious tone.


"Jeremy Sebastian. Almost 1.5 million he stole from you in this past few days. He was supposed to cash in the money onto your name, but instead, he put the money onto his bank account " I can hear Amelia's stoic voice.

You motherfucker, I will make you pay.

"I'm gonna hang up now X, cause I'm gonna call Katya."

"I already secured the money, and it will be on your account soon. Keep me posted mf bye." Then she hangs up the call.

Then I immediately called Katya,
I trusted this mf and this is how he's gonna repay me. After a few rings, Katya answered.

"My chef perverted friend, what can I do for you??" Katya said.

"Someone stole from me and I need your men to take care of this son of a bitch," I said coldly.

Then Katya's voice change.
"Send me his name and picture. My men will take care of it."

"I'll send it to you mf and before you kill him, I need some answers first," I said coldly.

"Copy that mf, just meet us at the quad." Then she hangs up the call and I immediately sent the name and picture.

Then I heard Adeline's voice from behind.

Then I resumed packing Adeline's food. I can still feel my anger swirling inside of my head.

Then Adeline got out of the bathroom and changed. Then I drove her to Alexandra's Hospital, I'm just silent in the whole car ride.

As I Park, Adeline spoke.

"Skye is there something wrong?? You never said a word in the entire car ride and I can see anger in your eyes."

Adeline knows me too well.

I just sigh and tell her the truth,

" While you were in the bathroom Amelia called me and told me that. One of my most trusted employees stole almost 1.5 million from me."

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