Chapter 6

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She hands me the flowers and wraps me in her embrace.
My heart is pounding in my chest because of her sweet gesture.

"Thank you, baby," I whispered in her ears. I can feel her smile and started kissing my neck.

"Skye Lexi Baltazar, stop it the hickey that you gave me is still fresh in my neck," I said firmly.

"Ok² let's get into my car." She said while pouting.

She opened the car door for me still pouting, such a sweetheart. She entered the car still pouting so with the devious idea I straddle her lap wrapped my arms around her neck.

She smirks and wraps her hands around my waist.

"If you keep pouting I will kiss you. 1 pout, 1 kiss." I said with a grin then start grinding my crotch in her lap.

Adeline is straddling my lap right now and God, it is so hot. I captured her lips in a sensual kiss.

"Mmm. Want to continue... What we.. Left off... Hmm... At the lounge this morning??" I said in between our kisses.

She smiles against my lips. And replied,
"But sex... In the car... Hmm mm..... Is uncomfortable." Then she opened her mouth.

"You wanna test that theory??" I said then started caressing her breast. I can feel her taut nipples through her shirt.

"But we're in the parking lot, what if people see?? Hmmm..." She sighs savoring my touch.

I didn't answer I just keep kissing her, she's right what if some see's her body??? Only I get to see them, touch them. After a moment she pulled back panting.

"Let's go somewhere when we can be alone." She said burying her face in my neck.

I smile and inhale her scent.
"Wanna come to my place and hang out?? I can cook you some food, then we can cuddle and watch a movie." I said while imagining it.

She nodded,
"Yeah.." She replied softly. I can hear the exhaustion in her voice.

"I want to drive while you're here in my arms." I pout, I'm pouting intentionally because she will kiss me.

She laughed and shook her head, then she kissed me sweetly and goes back to the passenger seat.

I started the car and started driving to my place. My one hand is on the wheel while the other is on her thighs.
(Drive with both hands on the steering wheel mga marecakes😘)

"Skye why didn't you tell me that you are the owner of the Lux restaurant and cafe??" She asks shyly and curiously.

"I thought you already knew. Didn't Andy tell you??" I said.

She shook her head.

"And why do you refuse to put your pictures in any magazines??" She asks again.

I smiled and replied,
"Because I want a private life as possible. Look at the Huxley and Halifax, paparazzi are constantly following them. I don't want that, and people will hide their true nature if they knew you have power and money." I said plainly.

"Ohhhh, ok thank you for telling me." She said then she kiss my cheeks sweetly and that made me smile.

After a few minutes, we arrived at my place and I can sense that she's too exhausted to walk. I bound towards her and asks.

"Are you okay my sweet??"

"Yeah I'm just tired, just give me a few seconds." She said with an exhausted tone.

Without any hesitation, I wrapped my arms around her waist hoist her up and carry her inside.

"Skye! Put-" she tried to protest but I cut her off.

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