Chapter Thirty-Two

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Harry's pov

"Arnold ?" Louis breathes out a laugh behind me, his skilled fingers working to undo the already loose rope around my hands. "You're friends of Arnold ?"

"Yes, and you're gonna pay for what you did to him." the same guys says, staying in front of Louis and I can't see him, but I can hear that his voice is trembling slightly.

"Lou ?" I ask, twisting my head around but of course I can't see him. His hands don't stop moving as he speaks, and I know I'll be free in only a few minutes. Since they didn't tie up our feet the second my hands are free they're done for.

"The job with Z at the gay club like a month and a half ago." he answers and I just nod.

"So, just so we're clear here, you want to get revenge... for Arnold... are you associates of his ?" Louis asks, accentuating the word associate, and I don't remember who Arnold was but clearly whatever job he was doing wasn't something Louis particularly liked.

"We are." the guy answers and Louis's fingers quicken around my wrist and I clench my fists and twist them around to give him more access, feeling as the rope loosens more and more around my skin.

"How the hell did you find us ?" he says.

"We got informations from a little someone." the guy answers and right as he speaks I feel my writs being freed and a small smile draws on my lips.

That was really fast.

"Spit it out honey, I'm too bored to wait." Louis sighs, lacing our fingers together now that he can reach my hand and my stomach flutters a bit at the action.

There's nobody expect the guy speaking in the room, so no one has any idea that I'm completely free.

"You're gonna kill us anyway aren't you ? Might as well tell us who rated us out." Louis continues and I have to hold back a snort.

"The medic, he gave us your plate." the guy answers.

"Of course it was the medic... Anyway I feel like I should tell you that we didn't make Arnold suffer at all, he died quickl-"

"Shut the fuck up !" I hear an impact and Louis' head being shoved to the side and...

Did he just hit Louis with the fucking gun ?

"Hey babe ? Heads or tails ?" Louis grunts with a squeeze on my hand, and I shoot off my seat. 

I jump on the guy in front of him before he can even hope to raise his gun, grabbing it from his hand and throwing one simple punch to his jaw, unable to stop myself from laughing when he collapses to the ground.

"You're so fucking hot." Louis groans when I turn back to him and untie his hands.

As soon as he's free too he grabs my face and crashes our lips together.

He groans at the sensitivity of his face and I can definitely relate, I'm sure I'm gonna have a nasty bruise on my cheek. He pulls away with a bite on my lower lip and I reach down to grab the guy's gun, quickly shooting him in the head before walking out of the room.

A guy appears in the hallway, probably having heard the gunshot but I shoot him before he can even say anything. Louis grabs my hand and holds it in his, the action making me smile but I try to focus on the task at hand. A few more guys come out in the same way and die the same way, Louis ending up taking one of their guns.

They're far too slow.

Not even five minutes later we're out of the house, now with two guns, some car keys and a phone, and we're lucky to find the car in the driveway and not three streets away from the house.

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