Chapter Twelve

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Harry's pov

I yawn loudly as I slowly walk inside the kitchen, reaching into the cupboard and grabbing a mug for Niall and one for myself.

I pour some coffee into them and grab a piece of bread, pushing it between my teeth before I go into the living room.

I walk to where Niall is sitting on a chair with his head tilted back and his mouth half opened. I gently push at his shoulder, his body jerking awake and his eyes looking around a bit frantically.

"What wha- oh. Thank you." he says when he notices the cup in my hand, giving me a small smile. He grabs it and I walk to the sofa, Liv sitting up when she sees me arrive.

I plop down next to her and she lays back down, resting her head in my lap as she has her headphones into her ears.

I bury my fingers in her hair to lightly scratch her scalp and she closes her eyes. Zayn and Jules walk inside the room a couple minutes after me.

Jules looks a bit more awake than the rest of us but still far from fresh, which is something I don't see very often. They sit on the other sofa with their own cups of coffee in hands while Zayn comes to sits next to me.

I let myself sink into the cushions, my eyes half closed while I keep yawning over and over again.

I didn't exactly sleep last night.

Well yeah, for like two hours but that's pretty much it.

The adrenaline of the night and the stress of everything that happened made my brain far too alert to sleep.

I tried to read for a bit to calm myself down but didn't really succeed, my mind was far too busy replaying the events of tonight to focus on whatever book I was trying to read.

From fighting with Louis in the car to finding Lucy in that fucking closet, everything was just so fucked up.

I know I shouldn't have started that fight, especially not right before a job, but everything Louis had been doing since we first saw each other in the morning had my anger building up, until eventually I snapped.

And Lucy... fuck, finding a kidnapped girl in Simon's house was the last thing I expected.

Not that I didn't think he was someone that could do that, because he definitely is, but this is still very fucking shocking.

This is not him being an asshole to the people around him or being involved with drugs or everything else he's involved in, this is him going as far as to fucking kidnap someone just so he can do whatever he wants with them.

It makes me fucking sick.

I tried not to look into that room when I shut the closet door, I had seen enough when Lucy came out of it full of wounds and blood.

I'm not sure what we're supposed to do with her, I mean there is no way we're gonna let that girl get out of here when we don't even know if Simon still wants her or what he's gonna do when he realizes she's gone.

I'm snap out of my thoughts when Louis walks into the room, his eyes half opened and his face mostly hidden behind his cap.

He sits down on a chair across from Niall with his legs spread and his arms on the back of it as he rests his head on them.

Only a few seconds later Moon and Lucy join us too, and they go to sit next to Jules on the sofa across from us, both of them holding their own cups of coffee.

Lucy doesn't really look up at any of us, she mostly keeps her head down and sips her coffee quietly.

Her hair hangs low on her shoulders and hides her face even more, and Moon stays close to her, but doesn't touch Lucy in any way, keeping her hands on her cup while she blows on it.

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