Chapter Eleven

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Louis' pov

"Shit, I forgot my watch," I mumble under my breath, Liv looking sideways at me as I fumble through my pockets to make sure I didn't accidentally put it there or something.

"Hey Harry," I ask, swallowing harshly when he doesn't even turn his head around to look at me, doesn't even acknowledge me. "Could you check in the gloves box if there are any watches please ?"

"Now you're talking to me ?" Harry huffs, and I'm sure every single person in the car can hear the anger and spite in his voice.

I don't really know how I'm supposed to answer him, I mean he's completely right and definitely has a right to be mad. I guess I just didn't think he would be.

I kind of hoped he would just wait until I figured my shit out....

Yeah I'm really fucking stupid, I know.

"Here, take mine." Zayn says, keeping his eyes on the road as he unclasps the watch from his wrist. He hands it to me and I thank him quietly, our eyes meeting through the rearview mirror and he sends me a gentle look.

"When are we gonna arrive ?" I ask and Harry is the one to answer and I can't see him but I'm sure his jaw is clenched and his eyebrows are furrowed.

"Impatient to get away from me ?" he rasps out.

"Please don't start." Zayn sighs, running his hand through his hair.

"Why don't you tell your friend to grow a fucking pair of balls !?" Harry says a bit louder.

"Harry do we need to do that now ?" I breathe out.

"Apparently you need to be locked in a car with me to fucking talk to me so yeah, maybe we should !" he spins around on his seat to glare at me, and the look of hurt and rage in his eyes makes shivers run down my spine.

"I'm not doing this." I shake my head, looking away from him and out the window on my left.

"Yeah I kinda got that." he chuckles without any humor, spinning back around.

"What's wrong with you you two ??" Liv asks a bit more quietly and Harry is the one that answers, his voice low and frustrated.

"He's a fucking asshole that's what's wrong."

"Okay, maybe don't start to insult me." I say and Harry groans.

"It's the only way I found to have you fucking talk to me-"

"Shut the fuck up, both of you." Zayn cuts him off, and I look back towards him right as he glances at me through the rearview mirror again. "If I hear you say a single word during this ride, you'll be coming home with a black eye."


"Wanna try me Louis ?" he turns his head around, his eyebrows raised as he waits for me to answer... and I don't. "That's what I though."

After that the car falls into a deafening silence, only the sound of the engine and the wind around us filling the confined space. My leg bounces on the floor and I have to bite my lips to stop myself from snapping at Harry.

I hate that now is the moment he chose to start a fight with me. I'm aware I'm the one that created this problem, but getting angry at me right before a job when he knows we both need to be as focused as possible is pretty fucking stupid.

How am I supposed to be focused on a job when all I can think about is Harry ?

We arrive at the party at nine sharp, and Zayn and Harry get out of the car first. Harry sends me one last angry look before he slams his door behind him and opens mine.

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