Extra Chapter 38.5

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Amati Tanaka


As the group sits in Amati's dorm room, Nobara came up with this challenge between Megumi and Satoru, who puts on the best make up wins.

So Megumi has to put make up on Nobara and Satoru on Amati. And after what happened that night, the feel of Satoru's fingers on her face, keeping her in place as he applies eyeshadow is hardly helping her already red face.

"Are you destroying my face?" She asks, opening the eye he isn't working on.

"Hmm... Maybe." He chuckles when she tries to look behind her at the mirror. He stops her. "Just sit still."

She sighs and closes both her eyes, not sure if she can be able to keep them open while he leans before her, inspecting her face.

"Psst, Amati." He whispers.

She opens an eye.

"What do you use these for?" He puts a pencil before her face.

She gives him a look. "It's to outline the shape of lips."

"Ah I see." He looks over at Megumi who seems actually focused on what he's doing.

Or maybe scared that if he messed up, Nobara might kick his ass. Which she would do without hesitation.

He turns back to Amati and she closes her eyes. "You're skin is so soft." He says as he puts highlights on her cheek bones. "Doesn't need makeup."

She's glad of the foundation and the other products on her face that hide the blush creeping over her features. "Stop flirting."

"Ah I'm not. I'm just giving the number one reason why I shouldn't have accepted this challenge in which I know I won't win anyway." A pause. "And I was flirting a little too."

She rolls her eyes. "Hurry up already."

"Which color do you want?" He asks her, holding five different colors of lipstick.

"The dark brown one."


Amati knew this was coming. The way he held the side of her lips with his thumb as he applies lipstick made her heart rush. His eyes literally staring holes into her lips, as if he's analyzing them.

When he pulls back, she doesn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved.

"Ok so I'm guessing I should use this to outline your lips?" He picks the pencil he asked of earlier.


He comes back into staring at her lips as he carefully-AND TORTURINGLY-outlines her lips with the dark pencil.

"There. Im done." He says proudly. He steps back to inspect her. "You look horrible." He laughs.

"HUH?!" She stands up and looks behind her at the mirror.

"I am many things, but a make up artist I am not." He's still laughing.

"You son of a bitch..." Amati sobs at her ruined look.

He has smeared dark purple eyeshadow with black and gray. As if blending but all it turned out to be is a black eye.

The eyeliner is too laughable, Amati cries again. One is too long and one is short and thick.

The contours are all so deep and overdone, and the highlights were barely visible.

The only good looking thing though, was her lips, which looked almost perfect due to his deep focus on them.

"I will destroy you, Satoru." She sniffs.

"I bet it's still better than Megu--" he pauses when he looks at Nobara. "...damn."

She turned out gorgeous. Megumi turned out to be an excellent makeup artist.

Amati's theory of Megumi putting mascara on is getting close to be proven. If he's this talented then HOW.

While the white haired dumbass before her didn't even know how to do shit.

Amati disappears in the bathroom and washes her face hard.

"Tanaka Sensei!" Yuji says at the door. "You should have picked me to do your make up!"

"If I had known Satoru was a COMPLETE IDIOT, I wouldn't have chosen that useless piece of--"

"Oiiii." Satoru stops her, grabbing her chin between his fingers before she could dry her face or close the water. "Ah you look beautiful again. See? Good thing I put disastrous make up so you can see how good looking you are." He squishes her cheeks playfully.

She bats his hand away. "I really wanna know why you keep flirting with your best friend." She grabs the towel and dries her face, turning off the water.

He shrugs. "It's fun."

"Fun." She says after him, shaking her head. She leaves the bathroom and purses her lips at her image in the mirror of her room. "I do look amazing."

"Don't be so full of yourself." He says behind her.

"Shut up. At least compared to your disastrous talent I am a beauty."

"Wow you're even more of a show off than I am."

"Megumi deserves a prize!" Nobara says as she looks closer in the mirror. "Would you look at that... He is almost as good as me!"

"Megumi's lunch and dinner are on Satoru." Amati points. "Choose any restaurant you want, Megumi."


"Hmm..." Megumi thinks about it. He picks two fancy expensive restaurants to Amati's satisfaction and they drag a pouting Gojo to pay for all the food.

"Why does it it have to be my fault for not knowing how to apply make up." He whines.

"A challenge is a challenge, Sensei." Nobara says proudly. "Lets go."


This was hilarious I love it XD

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