Chapter Thirty One

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_The next day_

Amati Tanaka

"So Harujuku, huh?" Amati says as she checks her phone holding a popsicle in her other hand as she and Gojo sit on a bench on the sidewalk.

"That's where she wanted to meet." Gojo shrugs.


"Ah, Megumi sent a message." She shows him the screen.

•Itadori and I are at Harajuku.

"Oh, then I guess we better start heading towards them." He says, standing and finishing off his popsicle.

Amati and Gojo find both, Megumi and Yuji waiting for them.

"Thanks for waiting!" Gojo waves as they reach them. "Oh." He notices Yuji's new uniform. "The uniform made it on time."

"Yup, it fights just right." He smiles. "But I noticed it's a bit different than Fushiguro's huh... there's even a hoodie."

"Well, if you have any requests, there can be some touch ups made to your uniform."

"But I didn't put in any requests."

"That's 'cause I requested a custom one on my own."

Yuji pouts. "I guess that's fine."

"Be careful. Gojo Sensei has this side of him too." Megumi tells him.

Amati smiles. "Megumi is right. He's the one who requested my gloves." She puts her hands in the air, showing off her fingerless gloves. "I don't even know why but oh well."

"Because it makes it cool. Their also special made for gripping hilts of weapons." Gojo points out.

"Well I'm not complaining. I like them."

"Sensei. Why are we meeting up in Harajuku?" Megumi asks, looking at her.

Amati was about to answer, but Gojo beats her to it, reminding her there are two Senseis, and that he's the first and she's the substitute.

She glares at him.

"She said she wanted to meet up here." He says, grinning at Amati's glare.

"I want to eat that popcorn!" Yuji says out of nowhere, pointing to a popcorn stand.

"Go ahead." Gojo waves. "Make sure to get a big bag for all of us."

As they wait, they eat Yuji's popcorn and wander around a bit, buying unnecessary but fun stuff.

"Oi, Amati. This or this?" Gojo asks, trying two of the weirdest hats Amati has ever seen.

Amati almost chokes on her slush. "Both look really good."

"You sure? But I think this one is better." He nods at the green and purple hat and puts it on, posing as a model. "You know what? I'm walking around the place with this thing on."

"Stop him, Tanaka Sensei." Megumi begs as he watches from beside her.

Amati sighs. "I'm sorry but this," she tells the hat seller as she pulls off the hat from Gojo's head, "is staying in your shop. Keep it safe and do not let slender man take it."

The guy gives her a look, but she turns around at a pouting Gojo. "You ruin all the fun." He says.

"Not all of it." She grins when she opens her phone in front of him, her new wallpaper being a photo of him wearing the hat without knowing Amati was snapping photos the whole time.

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