107. Restoking The Fire

Start from the beginning

Before he can speak up again, he hears the sounds of a vehicle driving up and he looks over the crowd and sees something which surprises him.

Nigel: "WATCH OUT!"

Then, a large Albion truck is seen driving toward the crowd and it capsizes after hitting a small ramp and many people begin to run away as Nigel and some Albion officers with him move in to contain the situation.

Nigel: "43C engage contact right! Aimed fire, aimed fire!"

He gets off the stage and he grabs out his pistol and aims at a man who crawls out of the capsized truck and he scowls at Nigel.



Then, the truck explodes, knocking everyone including Nigel Cass over. Then it cuts back to the news anchor.

News Anchor: "Government officials have yet to issue the statement, but Cass had this to say..."

Then it cuts back to Nigel Cass who's now got 2 Albion captains behind him armed with ARs.

Nigel: "An attack on me and my men is one thing. We are trained to handle these monsters. But I will not abide civilian casualties. This city deserves peace!" And I promise you, London...we carry on as we are, these attacks will continue. We don't need to live like this, scared to leave our homes. Criminals, terrorists, like these, can be stopped before they even start. And I have a plan to do just that. Your police and politicians may have stopped fighting for you. But I will never stop. Thank you."

Anon shakes his head and he frowns knowing that Nigel Cass is clearly a liar and an oppressive tyrant. However, one man views him differently.

Man: "This is what I'm talking about! Cass ought to be in charge of things."

However, the woman who asked for the volume to be turned up differs from him.

Woman: "The hell he should! He's just another greedy b*stard!"

Man 2: "Nigel Cass is the only one who gives a f*ck about this city!"

Then the woman shoves the second man and she calls him a twat and the 2 are then shoved away by the other man.

Man: "Oi! Break it up. Keep it civil."

Then, Anon walks back over to the bar with Joe, Emmet, Jessica and Erin. The 2 then look at the 3 ex-Kelleys.

Anon: "We'll be off now, ok?"

Joe: "Take care, mate."

Emmet: "Good luck."

Anon & Erin leave the pub and once they walk out, Hamish is on the line.

Hamish: "F*cking hell! Tell me you lot met with my contact and he had nothing to do with this!"

Then, Sabine is on the line.

Sabine: "Your man never showed up, Hamish. But come on. This was a show. It has Cass written all over it."

Anon: "Now hold on, don't you start a conspiracy theory. But I'm getting a feeling that this kind of went off like as if it was some kind of play at a theatre."

Hamish: "No, no, you don't get it, fam. Radu's been seriously unbalanced lately. Talking all sorts of rubbish about someone having to stop Cass no matter the cost."

Sabine: "Timing's too pat. Cass announces this "new security initiative" and then he's attacked in public? No way."

Hamish: "Hope you're right and it's not Radu gone off the deep end."

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