Chapter 36. The Garden

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(You know the drill for the song :)    )

Hey, I hope you guys enjoy.

Love you all and thank you for reading <3 maybe vote?

!Tw! self critical thoughts and death, Read the next 2 chapters with caution!!


"Prince can we go to the garden?"

"I- of course Karl. Anything for you" Sapnap smiled lightly before being cut off by a deathly cough from Karl.

"We'll go now before dark so it doesn't get too cold and make your fever worse" Karl nodded lazily as Sapnap got up.

Karl made no effort to move as he laid down on the bed in a coughing fit.

Sapnap sighed as he started patting Karl's back to get the last few coughs out before he picked Karl up holding him by his thighs.

He waddled over to the door with Karl in his arms as Karl lazily threw his arms over Sapnap shoulders in attempt to not slip from Sapnap's grasp.

Sapnap chuckled as he opened up the door entering the beautifully structured hallway that they have been in multiple times before.

Due to Karl's memory loss he was forgetting what it looked like ,so he was strucken with amazment as he looked at the pillers that lined the hallway.

Sapnap walked down the multiple hallways and stairs before he got to the door that would lead them outside and unknowingly their future apart.

The wind hit Sapnap's face as he walked outside with Karl still in his arms and he sat Karl down on the swing gently as to not drop him.

Karl giggled before coughing again. It was a hollow cough. It sounded so deathly and it concerned Sapnap.

Sapnap tried to smile. He really did but did Karl notice the difference between his fake and real smile?

Probably not.

He's forgotten everything except what his name is and what Sapnap is too him. A lover. I guess their love is something that can't be forgotten after all.

But, even though he has remembered some stuff their strategy's weren't working.

He can't fix Karl.

Your useless.

You can't even help your own Husband.

What kind of Husband even are you? Hell, he dosn't even remember the two of you are married! Isn't your marriage day meant to be the best day of your life? And he can't remember that!


How pathetic is that? he can't even remember your name! Just that stupid nickname.

'PrINce', what kind of nickname is that? because your the complete opposite of a prince in fact.

Your not his knight is shining armour. You don't wear extravagant clothes. You don't have any power. You can't slay a Dragon or do any of that princy shit.

So what do you have?

So what are you?

Trouvaille {Karlnap}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora