Chapter 8. Freedom?

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Hey, hope you all are doing well. Here's another chapter for you children, it's kinda fluff? IDK


Karl recently noticed that Sapnap has been asking to go to the garden more recently since Karl first brought him there two weeks ago, and Karl being the massive simp he is for the man, he would let him (of course with supervision from Karl himself).

Karl felt so bad for locking him up constantly, and only taking him out of them room when required for both their sleep (or Sapnap wanting to go back to the garden of course).

Maybe Karl could trust him? You know to walk around freely. At least on the first floor.

He hasn't done anything for weeks, if anything he's been well behaved Karl thought as he walked down another hallway to Sapnap's cell.

Maybe he should test Sapnap first. See if he would try to escape. To test his honesty.

Karl finished the little rant in his brain as he entered the final hallway that lead to Sapnap's cell.

Like always Sapnap was in his corner looking down at the floor with a blank expression spread across his face.

Karl never understood why he sat there so emotion less but he just guesses he had nothing better to do in which was correct. He literally can't do anything in his lonely cell.

Karl un-locked the door to the cell and place the food down, like he did always. The noise of the plate being placed made Sapnap look up and crawl over to the food.

Karl smiled at him and shut the door, not locking it this time.

Sapnap sat on the floor and gave Karl a great full smile, taking a quick glance at the unlocked cell door before starting to peacefully eat his baked potatoes.

Karl turned around and left, hiding just outside the hallway. Just in case.

Now for the test. And karl is praying with everything he has that he hasn't made the wrong decision.

Sapnap just sat there sat idly while he at his potatoes and looked at the lock.

What if? No that's stupid, why did he leave it unlocked. At least I think it's unlocked. I didn't see him lock it. Why didn't he lock it??

Sapnap rapped his foot against the floor taking another bite out of his potatoes.

Is this a trick? Am I gonna get in trouble if I leave my cell. Technically it would be his fault for not locking it. But where would I even go?

I don't have my pocket watch anymore. Karl broke it. I couldn't steal one. I wouldn't know where to find one though. Maybe on Karl's person but that's too risky. There was no portal access without one. I physically cannot escape this place so why even bother leaving the cell.

Sapnap's thoughts were racing through his mind as he sat there eating his potatoes.

Maybe it was a test.

Maybe I should prove Karl wrong and show him that I can be trusted. I don't know what I would gain for this but maybe more time at the garden if I asked nicely?

I would like that.

Sapnap stood up and went back into the corner to finish off his potatoes without his mind going back to looking at the lock and continue to think about it.

He just wanted to think about his baked potatoes and how recently Karl has been putting sour cream and bacon in them recently.

It was a small and kind gesture that normally would go un-noticed by many but for Sapnap who was trapped here it was the biggest thing to him.


Karl hasn't heard anything for the past 2 hours except for Sapnap eating his baked potatoes earlier and him now currently singing at the top of his lungs.

HE DOESN'T REALLY LIKE ME, HE LIKES TRAVELING I WATCHED MY IDOLS FALL, I MIGHT JUST END IT ALL" Sapnap 'sung' while Karl just sat just outside the hallway.

"What the honk" Karl muttered as he listened to Sapnap sing.

Karl had enough. He believes he can trust him if it been two hours of waiting and Sapnap still hasn't attempted to leave.

But then Karl started feeling bad.

Had I broken him? Pushed him past a point where he believes he would never be able to leave anyway.

He felt real bad but didn't hesitate to step into the hallway as his thoughts ran through his mind.

Sapnap stopped singing and looked up at Karl before smirking and sliding his empty plate over to Karl.

"You didn't leave... well done Sapnap" Sapnap chuckled dryly.

"Where would I even go? I can't actually leave this place because you broke my pocket watch"

Karl chuckled as well but more of a nervous chuckle "yea sorry about that, but.... your now able to move freely around the first floor of the castle and up to my bedroom!" Karl clapped his hands together at the end of his sentence and Sapnap shot up.

"Your not joking right?? I can actually leave??" He asked.

Karl nodded and chuckled "I believe you gained my trust enough" Sapnap opened the unlocked bars of his cell open and hugged Karl immediately.

"Thank you so much Karl" Sapnap whispered, practically on the verge of tears.

Karl reciprocated the hug.

Sapnap pulled away and looked up at Karl slightly "so can I go to the garden now??" Sapnap asked eagerly.

Karl giggled "Well it's on the 1st floor isn't it?" There was a pause.

"Of course prince you can go to the garden now, anytime you want"

Sapnap darted past Karl trying to get to the garden before he noticed what Karl said.

He turned to Karl and turned his head slightly to the side "prince??" He questioned the nickname given to him.

Karl chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck "you weren't meant to hear that part... it kinda just slipped" Karl muttered as he looked down at his feet.

Sapnap started smirking at the man "no, I like it. Thank you karl" Karl looked back up at Sapnap and smiled lightly.

"Yea uh..." his face flushed pink "no problem... prince" Sapnap smiled back with a light blush apparent on his face.

Sapnap gave Karl a short nod before running off to the garden.

It was evident at this point that the both of them liked each other; it was just the fact weather they were going to admit it or not.

And unfortunately for Karl it was harder for him to admit his feelings as Sapnap was his prisoner and it would be wrong to date your own prisoner, right?
1200 Words

I hope you enjoyed but uh unfortunately we will be getting back into the angst soon soooo.... >:)

Take care <3

Love you guys <3


Trouvaille {Karlnap}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ