Chapter 19. Morning Breakfast

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Hey, I accidently posted this chapter halfway through writing it so I am so sorry If you thought I actually uploaded. but it's done now so here ya' go! :)

Also thank you for the 220 fucking reads! it's so fucking awesome! Thank you guys so much! love you guys MWAH MWAH <3

(I think this is a good chapter :D )




"What?" Karl spoke.

"Karl your not good enough for him"

"He's perfect and you'll eventually forget that. Forget that you love him"

"You have no purpose except for being his only form of human contact keeping him from going insane in the Inbetween"

"Worthless" a separate voice spoke.

Karl looked around himself to find where the voices was coming from.

"you can't even remember his name karl, and you call your self his boyfriend" the first voice said.

"I-I am! He dosn't care that I can't remember his name because he loves me! And I love him! And I am not worthless" Karl stated to the un-known voices hoping they would listen.

"poor little Karl can't even remember his own boyfriend's name. Must be so embarrassing " another voice said.

"STOP" Karl yelled into the void.

He wanted to go home. To be with Sapnap.

Karl woke up in Sapnap's arms.

He's alright..

There alright..

Karl got out of bed and slipped a hoodie on his shaking body before walking out of the room.

he'll let Sapnap sleep a little longer.

His stomach groweld at him, and so he decided to make him and Sapnap some breakfast. Maybe he could do a breakfast in bed for Sapnap.

Maybe this could be a way of apologising to Sapnap about his forgetful memory. The voices messed with his brain so that he felt the need to apologise to his lover

But now he just needs to find the kitchen if he's gonna make breakfast for the two of them

Karl let out a sigh "This might take a while.."


Sapnap woke up with his arms empty, and no Karl in sight.

he got up and looked around for his missing partner.

"where could he have gone.." he asked himself looking around for the man.

He grabbed his coat and slipped it over his shoulders.

his stomach made a noise of hunger and so he decided he should make himself some cereal.

He walked down stairs and down a couple hallways before he came upon the kitchen entrance where he opened the door, only for his nose to be filled with the sweet smell of bacon and eggs and Karl standing over the stove, a spatula in hand.


Karl's head whipped over to look at Sapnap who was coming over to him.

"hmm?" he hummed as if to say 'yes'.

Sapnap snaked his arms around Karl's waist and laid his head on his shoulder.

"Hi" Sapnap breathed out.

Karl giggled "hi" he copied.


"yea?" Karl focused on Sapnap's eyes.

"The bacon"

Karl turned back arund to see that the bacon was crispy on the edges and then he swiftly flipped it.

"thank you"

"mhm no problem.. So why are you down here making breakfast this early?" Sapnap asked lightly kissing Karl's neck.

"I- um" Karl stuttered at the sensation on the back of his neck, thinking about if he should mention the nightmare or not "I wanted to apoplogise for being so forgetful all the time" he continued to stutter worried about what his partner thinks.

"mmm it's alright" he dug his face into the side of Karl's neck sleepily "As long as you never forget that I love you I don't care what you forget. As long as you don"t forget you are mine" he muttered giving Karl's neck another small kiss.

If Karl's face wasn't red before it defitently was now, he could litraly feel the heat radiating off his face.

Karl plated the eggs and bacon and then gave Sapnap his plate.

"Before you woke up I was hoping I could give it to you in bed so you could have breakfast in bed.. but now I guess we could eat in the Garden? I am not sure if you like it there but I am pretty sure you do" he smiled lightly looking at his lover.

"I love it there, Karl. Of course we should eat there" Sapnp grabbed his hand "come on"


They sat down by the tree they always sat at and started eating in a comforting silence that they basked in.

They loved what they had.

They need what they have.

They both finished off there food and stacked there plates togther, putting them just outside the garden.

Karl sat back down in Sapnap's lap and hugged him.

"James?" Karl asked.

"James?" Sapnap repeated.

"wait.. sorry... Sapnap?"

"Wait a second Karl, why did you say James?" Sapnap asked holding him tightly.

"sorry I forgot your name for a second and used a name of  someone that I met on one of my trips to the past who looked very much like you in fact.. and sounds like you too.. I don't know.." Karl continued muttering to himself.

He thought for a second before speaking.

"Sapnap do you believe in reincarnation? sorry it's a weird question but yea"

"I mean I guess? it's possible, I don't nessarly believe it's true but it would be cool if it was" he smiled lightly.


"Why do you ask Karl?" Sapnap asked carefully.

"I was just curious, don't worry about it Prince" he dug his face into the crook of Sapnap's neck.

they sat there for a while.


"Yes Karl?"

"I love you"

Sapnap kissed his cheek "I love you too Karl"

He gave Karl a short kiss on his nose as well.

"so so much" Sapnap said digging his face into Karl's hair.
1030 Words

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I hope you enjoyed.

(Short chapter because my mind is blank :D )

Take care guys <3

love you all <3


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