Chapter 27. Tea

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Hey, Uh late chapter, and a couple days off schedule but oh well, anyway what All stars MCC team are you going for this weekend (I choose red rabbits)?

Let's get on with it


Once again Sapnap was found in his room reading another book on the armchair in the corner.

He was getting so close to finding the answer.

He just needed to read the final 13 books.

Still so many books..

He does have to admit though, he's reading in record time and at this rate he will find the answer soon enough.

Karl walked in, Sapnap's over-sized shirt flowing at his knees.

He had a cup of tea in hand, peppermint tea to be specific. Sapnap suggested it to his fiancé a couple days ago because his mother once said to him it helps relive head aches and aids the memory so of course Sapnap bought a box and has told him to drink one cup a day to help aid him in anyway possible.

which isn't working but Karl likes it anyway so he's kept giving him the tea everyday.

atleast he hasn't forgotten my name since he's been drinking the tea. Sapnap thought to himself as Karl gently placed his tea on the side table before sitting down on Sapnap's lap, letting his legs dangle on both sides of Sapnap's.

"what are you doing Karl?" he asked chuckling while shifting himself with Karl on top to get comftable.

"mmmm" he ducked his head down into the crook of Sapnap's neck "cuddling you" he muttered.

"Is that so?" he asked as he brought his hand up to Karl's hair absentmindedly so he could play with his fiance's hair as he read.

"mhm, your comfy" he yawned in the middle of his sentence "like my big cuddly panda" he finished.

"then you must be my little panda cub" he smiled softly playing with Karl's hair "because your so darn cute" Karl's face flushed slightly.

"I am.. can we talk about the wedding now?" he asked whilst fluttering his eyes shut.

"Sure, what about it?" He asked flipping over the page.

"are the decorations done?"

"yea, I hung them up this mornin' in the garden" he said.

"Oh okay. Cake?"

"We'll cook it the night before"

"What about everything else?" he asked nussling his face into the crook of Sapnap's neck.

"everything is set exept a officiator" he huffed.

"I could still go get one" Karl said turning and taking a sip of his tea before putting it back down and returning to Sapnap's chest.

"Karl" he warned.

"What.. oh right 'my memory'" he mocked Sapnap using a horrible southern accent that made Sapnap chuckle and a small tint of pink covered his cheeks.

"You know I don't want to lose your memory Karl, it's just a precaution"

"I know" he sighed letting his breath tingle on Sapnap's neck.

"We'll figure it out, I am sure of it" he said laying his chin on top of Karl's head.

"Ok" he mumbled.

"What ya' reading" Karl asked turning himself around so his body was sat between Sapnap's lap instead of on top of it.

Karl peered down at the book and scoffed "your really invested aren't you?" He asked.

"I am invested in the things I love, so yes I am very invested because I want to help the thing I love and that's you" he huffed.

"Mmmm, that's what I love about you. Your so kind to me"

"Love you too"


He stood up and grabbed his tea before he kissed Sapnap's head softly.

"I think I am going to bed, today was tiring, all this wedding preparation is driving me insane" he spoke.

"Alright, I am a just finish this year of the book and go to bed, k?"

Karl gave him another light peck "Alright prince, I'm a just finish this tea and then go ni ni's"

"Ni ni's? What is that"

"It's like saying 'night night' just I don't know? Easier?"

Sapnap scoffed turning to his partner "no it's cuter.. anyway goodnight" he said turning back to his book.

Karl nodded and headed over to the bed, finishing off his warm tea, before placing it on the bedside table and climbing into bed.

He pulled the covers over himself before he took a final glance at Sapnap and shut his eyes, letting himself fall into dream land.
770 Words

I promise the next few chapters would be longer, I just don't have a lot of motivation or brain cells right now with assignments.

Love and appreciate you guys so much <3

Take care <3


Trouvaille {Karlnap}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang