Chapter 4. Prison Break

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Hey I am posting this chapter early so I won't forget because I am going out tonight so bam here's your chapter :)

Enjoy :)


Sapnap has been working on separating the bars of the cell that held him for about two weeks and he was steadily getting there.

The plan was use the small flint and steal to set alight small strip of fabric off his jacket and tying it around one of the bars and heat up the metal so it was bendable.

Once the fire would burn out Sapnap would kick the bar until it wouldn't go any further. He has done it everyday on both sides and is actually making surprising progress.

The only reason he hasn't been caught is because Karl hasn't been coming down recently. It's been the other Karls.

Maybe Sapnap did something wrong to make Karl not come down anymore, or maybe karl got lazy? He honestly didn't know.

But the other Karls didn't speak so they couldn't report the bends in the bar nor Sapnap's ripped cloak.

They also didn't really have a mind of their own.. but hey, Sapnap doesn't care because he gets to get away with escaping easier.

Dinner was meant to arrive in a minute or two so Sapnap's just sat in his corner catching his breath after kicking the bars for so long.

He was only starting to calm down when the door to the cell hallway slammed open making Sapnap jump.

And then he saw karl. Not like any of the others from the other timelines. His Karl. The one that locked him up.

He brought a plate of food down the hallway and stopped at the cell grabbing his keys. Sapnap's heart rate was picking up as he watched Karl praying to any god that Karl didn't notice the very obvious bend in the bars.

Karl looked up and froze.

'Oh shit' Sapnap thought 'he fucking found it'.

"Sapnap?" Karl asked calmly just looking at the bend in the cell bars.

"Yes" Sapnap asked with a quiver in his voice.

"Why the honk is there a bend in your cell!??" Karl asked snapping his head up to look at Sapnap that just sat in the corner.

"I-" Sapnap started before he was cut off "your coming with me" Karl dropped Sapnap's food and then unlocked the cell.

He stormed over to Sapnap, grabbing his arm and pulling him up off the cell floor before dragging him out of the cell.

"Where are you taking me?" Sapnap asked as he was dragged down the hallway to who knows where.

Any aggression Sapnap had to the man has faded away over time, the reason he wanted to escape was so he could get back home to his sister and his best friend Dream.

"To a temporary replacement of a cell" he stated "and what would this temporary replacement of a cell be?"

"My room" both Sapnap and Karl's faces both went a light pink but both boys didn't notice the blush on the other face.

"Sorry... that sounds weird" Karl said as they walked down another hallway, to Sapnap they all looked the same though.

Sapnap was a little shocked, he's never heard karl apologise to him so this is new.

"You-u apologised" Sapnap stuttered our as they turned a corner.

"Yea... it was just weird and awkward for the both of us, just need to keep an eye on you that's all" Karl responded a little too quickly.

"Uh huh, sure" Sapnap said simply, little did he know Karl's blush increased making him hurry to his room shoving Sapnap in it.

"Sit" he stated immediately bringing his serious state back.

Sapnap followed along and at on a chair in the room as he watched Karl hurry off to a room attached to the bedroom.

Sapnap looked around observing the room.

Like the rest of the castle it was all white except for a wither rose that sat in the corner on a small shelf.

There was a beautiful queen sized bed in the middle that was centred with a large window that had curtains strapped to the side of it keeping the light flowing in.

There are beautiful patterns on all the fabrics like white flowers and swirls that give such a royal look to the room.

A fur rug was placed on the marble floors giving the room a gentle look. It was pleasant. Peaceful.

Karl walked back in with a towel and a plain white t-shirt and jeans and handed them to Sapnap before pointing to another door.

"Go shower. You stink" Sapnap laughed and stood up taking the clothes from him heading into the room.

It was a bathroom. Wasn't too special just had a tub, shower, sink and toilet.

'He wouldn't mind if I took a bath would he?' He thought to himself as he looked at the deep tub that would feel heavenly since he actually hasn't had a shower in weeks.

'Eh fuck it' Sapnap put his clothes down on the counter and started to undress before he turned on the tap above the bath steadily filling it up.

He hung up the towel and searched the cabinets for some soap in which he did find, putting it next to the bath tub examining the water levels, and determining them satisfactory as he turned off the water and got in.


"Why are you taking so long it been 30 minu-" karl was cut off when he saw Sapnap resting in the warm water naked.

"Sorry!" Karl rushed out feeling a blush grow on his face "get dressed! And I said have a shower!" Karl said as he walked over to his bed hiding his face in his hands.

He just heard Sapnap laughing in the other room and the sound of water moving around.

After a minute or two Sapnap walked out of the bathroom with the clothes on... plus his old ass jacket.

Karl held out his hand "cloak now" he stated bluntly, Sapnap just shook his head. "No way, I keep the cloak"

Karl just shrugged "whatever, I am going to sleep" Karl got into his bed and turned away from Sapnap.

"Where am I gonna sleep?" Sapnap questioned looking around the room.

"I don't know. The floor? If really needed you can sleep in my bed".

Sapnap looked at the stone cold floor that was probably really uncomfortable to sleep on. Yea no way was he sleeping on that.

He went to the opposite side of the bed and got in turning away from Karl, him doing the same.

"Night" Sapnap said simply.

Karl blushed for the 4th time that night huffing slightly "whatever"

1135 words

Hope you guys enjoyed :)

Take care <3

Love you all <3


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