Chapter 18. Fallen Book

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Hey, Sorry for not posting lately! had lots of shit on my plate and so I prioratized that over this story but I am back (lets hope the cursed writers block dosn't come back :) PLEASE HELP THOUGH I NEED FILLER CHAPTERS!!) this chapter is good.. I think.. Wrote this during school lol anyway let's get on with it.

(Early chapter for you guys)

!TW! Mentions of pills !


Sapnap and Karl were relaxing in The libary Sapnap reading YET another one of the Karls books.

it's been a week since the whole Karl forgetting Sapnap's name thing and Karl hasn't forgotten Sapnap's name (atleast that's what Karl has told him), or that they are dating ever since Sapnap started the new morning and night routine where Sapnap would remind Karl.

Sapnap loved him dearly and didn't want Karl to forget him.

so that's why for the past month or so he's been reading every single on of the Karl's books looking for an answer, a solution, maybe even what may have caused this horrible history to repeat over and over for each and everyone of the cycles.

Karl laid his head on Sapnap's lap, sapnap holding the book on Karl's stomach so he could continue reading, studing.

"What are you doing?" karl asked peering up at the man.

"studing" sapnap said brushing a hand through Karl's soft fluffy brown hair.

Karl giggled "you always answer like that prince" he smiled.

That's something else Sapnap has been noticing recently. Karl has been calling him 'prince' much more often. Sapnap believes this is when he is forgetting his name and dosn't know what to call him but non the less it makes Sapnap blush.

"Karl, honey?" Sapnap spoke flipping one of the last pages on the book, getting close to the end.

"yes prince?"

"Do you mind getting the next book on the shelf for me? pretty please??" he gave the man below him puppy dog eyes knowing Karl has a weakness for them.

"of course Prince"

Karl sat up from his lap and push up from his knees so he was standing and walked over to the ladder attached to the shelf.

Something about the shelf was always odd to Karl. At the very bottom of the shelf where the most reccent books were placed there was ony one spot left at the very end of the bottom shelf. Karl was confused as to why, he couldn't understant at all.

Karl made his way up as he looked up to the empty spot where Sapnap took his current book out.

he finally reached the spot he was trying to reach and grabbed the next book on the shelf letting the next book fall to it's side and be held by another book that was also falling.

Karl was having trouble carrying the book before it slipped out of his hand tummbling to the ground.

well actualy tummbling down to Sapnap's head..

the book landed with a bang, Sapanp flinching as the book landed a top his head before bouncing off and landing face up on the floor.

Sapnap's hand flew up to rub the back of his head where the book landed, looking up at the worried Karl as he made his climb swiftly down the ladder.

"Sorry sapnap!" Karl called hurrying down the ladder finally reaching the floor and rushing over to Sapnap too tend to his injury.

Karl scurried over to his prince and neeled down next to him before placing his dainty hand on Sapnap's head where the book fell, sapnap wincing at the touch moving his head away from Karl's hand.

"it's okay Karl" he paused wincing again "just hurts a little.. hey, do you have something mabye for a headache?" Sapnap asked.

"Yes! Of course!" Karl stood up holding out a hand for Sapnap offering to help him up "come on, I have some stuff in the kitchen I am pretty sure.. now I just have to remember where it is though.." Karl muttered the last bit.

Sapnap was actually getting genrally conserned for his lover, watching his memory slowly fade away everyday.

"Don't worry Karl, I know where the kitchen is"

Karl smiled helping him up "okay"


Karl got on his tippy toes reching for a cabinet  to grab out some pain medicne handing it over to Sapnap along with a glass of water before walking over to a freezer to grab an ice pack for Sapnap's head.

Sapnap took a swig of the water before having the pill and finished off his water, putting the glass down on the massive island table as Karl came back over to him, an ice-pack in hand.

he ushered to put it on Sapnap's head, him finally grabbing it and attaching it to his head with his bandana before he let go of the ice-pack.

"you feeling better?" Karl asked.

"I'm fine, the question is are you okay? You forgot where the kitchen was before" he stated genrally coserned for his lover.

"I'm fine Sapnap. Its just my mind is staring to slip. It's happened with every other Karl and so it's only normal it would happen to me. But that's okay! because it just means you have to remind me constantly that you love me" he smiled lightly as a blush spread across sapnap's face.

"your too cute" Sapnap said.

Karl giggled in return looking down at the book that dropped on Sapnap's head before.

"when are you planning on reading that?" Karl asked pointing at the book.

it was an old dusted purple and the number #17 on the spine of the book.

He's so close to finsihing them all.. I wonder if he's found anything. Karl thought to himself while looking at the hard cover book.

"Oh uh maybe after my headache is gone" he motioned to the stairs just outside of the kitchen.

"Maybe we could sleep?" he asked quietly.

Karl smiled down at him "I would like that, come on"


Sapnap lead Karl too their room and sat down on the bed along with karl and held out his hand.

"Karl, hand" Karl oblige and put his hand in Sapnap's doing this for the 15th time and kinda knowing what was gonna happen.

"Repeat after me okay?" Sapnap asked once again.

"Mhm" Karl responded like he did many times before focusing on their hands looking at them intently.

"Your name is Karl"

"My name is Karl" he repeated, Sapnap putting a finger down.

"My name is Sapnap"

"Your name is Sapnap" they both smiled. Sapnap putting another of Karl's fingers down kissing the top of Karl's knuckles.

"I am your boyfriend"

"You are my boyfriend" Karl smiled brightly, brighter than before, again with Sapnap putting another finger down.

"I love you" Sapnap said and even though he has said it many times before it still made him blush.

"I love you too" he repeated back.

Sapnap gave his nose a short kiss like he has done many times now.

"let's get some sleep, yea?" Sapnap asked pulling Karl to his chest.

"yea... my heads fuzzy" he mumbled.
1240 Words

I litrally dropped books on my friends heads ( @ChildeOfChaos and @xXShadowViperXx ) to test how books bounce and pain tolerence, the most that I got out of them was them flinching. It was fun though, I did it during school.


Love you guys <3

Take care <3


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