Chapter 6. Perspectives

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Hey, filler chapter because I think the story is moving too fast :D and also I guess this is like a recap but Karl's side.

Hope you enjoy :)


Karl left Sapnap in his cell as he walked up back to his room.

He wasn't tired. Well at least physically. Mentally is a different situation.

He felt mentally drained.

Some reasons for were his memory starting to slip away as the days went on causing dizzy spells and making him pass out at random times, waking up completely clueless and acting like nothing happened.

Then there was the whole time travailing thing where he would go out and fix history, that's the reason why Sapnap's here. He was breaking the balance in the time line.


Karl chuckled.

That's his last problem. Sapnap.

He opened his bedroom door and opened up his book to write down every though he felt.




Originally Karl felt frustration and anger towards the man that currently sat idly in a cell down stairs. The cell that Karl looked him in, restricting his freedom.

Karl had to agree that Sapnap didn't deserve freedom after killing people in the timeline to fuck it up, leaving Karl with a mess to fix.

But he was stuck here. Just like the other Karl's and eventually himself. In his own words "trapped".

Not to long ago, maybe 3 weeks Karl started to feel things that he never felt for anyone. Especially Sapnap of all people.

Karl found himself taking glances at Sapnap when ever they hung out and would go out of his way to deliver Sapnap his food.

He could easily get one of the other Karl's to do it seeing as they have nothing to do but Karl just wanted an excuse to see Sapnap again.

He felt trapped himself.

He himself had the right to leave, but falling for his own prisoner made him feel trapped in his own  emotions. Caged by anger, frustration, sadness and ... happinesses.

It's an odd mix of emotions.

They felt wrong to the point they were right. It felt so wrong to like these emotions. He hated the conflict inside his mind on weather he liked Sapnap or not.

He knew he had some feeling of some sort for him but he didn't know if it was romantic or not. or if he liked the feeling or not.

Two weeks ago his feelings got stronger, he immersed in the feeling, face heating up any time he thought about the man in anyway except a prisoner.

The feelings were strange but welcomed by Karl.

But as the feelings developed Karl didn't want to fall for the man so he took a two week break from visiting Sapnap in his cell, hoping to prevent the feelings from getting any stronger.

He couldn't let these feelings grow. He knew he couldn't.

The others would feed Sapnap and he would just go off and do other things e.g. time travelling, eating, writing, eating, sleeping, repeat.

He did that for two weeks before he had a strange feeling in the bottom of his stomach. The strange feeling that he needed to check on Sapnap.

At this point Karl believed his feelings had subside and decided he should probably go check on him in person.

And so he made his way downstairs to check on his prisoner, not before grabbing some dinner so he could eat something.

And well... it didn't go well, at least for Sapnap it didn't.

Seeing Sapnap was like an adrenaline rush for Karl. He didn't expect this feeling but ignored it as he did his daily thing and fed Sapnap.

Until he noticed the dent in the bars...

Like a good warden (cough cough not c!Awesomedude cough cough) would he dealt with the problem swiftly by ordering one of the Karl's to get it fixed and escorting Sapnap too his room to sleep instead of his cell.

He hadn't even noticed his previous feeling of lust for sapnap being replaced with anger as he escorted him... they only once came back when he woke up with Sapnap in his arms the next morning.

When he opened his eyes he noticed he was holding Sapnap in his arms and smiled, before panicking of course.

He was confused.

Why was Sapnap in his bed?

Why was he spooning him??

Why was he out of his cell??

Great, another one of his dizzy spells making him forget even small details like falling asleep with his prisoner.

Once the issue was resolved Karl spent no time shoving Sapnap back in his cell and spacing himself from Sapnap for a couple days.

One thing he noticed though that he hasn't been able to sleep since Sapnap's 'visit'. Of course he has never been able to sleep well even before that, maybe 5 to 6 hours of sleep every night, but now it has decreased to 2 to 1 hours of sleep.

It was so strange to Karl. It appears that his own body was up against him, as if it depended on the human contact that it missed for so long. He can't even remember the last time he saw someone before Sapnap.

So he made a deal with Sapnap the next morning after bringing him food.

He would collect him at night and then throw him back in the cell when he wakes up. Simple and easy to follow so they could both get the rest they needed.

Just there was one more rule that neither of them seemed to like at all. And Karl was dreading making it, but to him it was to help get rid of His feelings.

They couldn't fall in love with each other.
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Kinda short chapter but oh well that's what ya get, it was just a recap so it's not too bad hopefully.

It's also a short chapter because tonight I am hanging out with my cousin so I don't really have time to write an extremely long chapter tonight.

Take care <3

Love you all <3


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