Chapter 17. Solider, Poet, King

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Solider, Poet, King ^^ please play when I suggest. Thank you :)

Hey, this chapter is a little late because I was doing cosplay stuff. So sorry.

Enjoy :)


Sapnap kissed Karl's head lightly waking him up.

"Good morning beautiful" Sapnap cooed.

Karl looked up at Sapnap confused.

"Uuuuh.. good morning... ?"

He doesn't remember my name? Sapnap questioned himself worried.

"Karl have you forgotten my name?" Sapnap asked holding up Karl's hands.

Karl's eyes prickled with tears as he looked down at their interlocked hands.

"I-I am sorry.. I can't remember..."

Sapnap shook his head.

"No, no. It's okay I understand. Ummm how about we try something? Maybe it will help yea?" Sapnap asked trying to comfort Karl.

Karl nodded removing one of his hands from Sapnap to wipe away a tear.

"But one question though.." Karl spoke up.

"Yea? What is it?"

Karl looked around the room to find the right words.

"Are we.. are we a couple? We seem very intimate from what my memories are showing me but they are also showing me we are just friends.. I am just very confused. My mind feels fuzzy"

Sapnap smiled at the confused man and kissed his cheek "We are just friends at the moment but we can be whatever you want to be Karl"

To be honest Sapnap was confused too on what they were. But he wanted to be with Karl.

I don't wanna miss out on anything. If I am starting to forget my own 'friends' name then... I want to get the most out of what's left of my memory.

Karl smiled back "okay then I want to be your boyfriend" he giggled covering up his own thoughts.

"Sure my love"

Karl giggled again.

"You can continue what you were doing before I interrupted you"

"Okay umm" Sapnap laid Karl's hand flat in front of him.

"Repeat after me okay?" Sapnap questioned.

"Mhm" Karl responded focusing on their hands.

"Your name is Karl"

"My name is Karl" he repeated, Sapnap putting a finger down.

"My name is Sapnap"

"Your name is Sapnap" they both smiled., Sapnap putting another of Karl's fingers down.

"I am your boyfriend"

"You are my boyfriend" Karl giggled, again with Sapnap putting another finger down.

"I love you" Sapnap said making a blush spread across Karl's face.

"I love you too" he mumbled back.

Sapnap gave his nose a short kiss.

"Feeling better?"

"Yea.. I think I remember at least a little bit more now.."

"Okay good" he smiled "we are gonna do that every morning alright?" Karl nodded.

"Do you wanna go down to the garden Sapnap? We haven't been down there in a while" Karl asked getting out of bed, Sapnap following behind.

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