After The Fact:

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I sat and cried.I didn't have Corey here or anybody else. I sent the kids to sleep for a reason. I got my phoned and called......jariyah and told her what happened and she wanted to know where I lived so I told her.About 30 minutes later she walked in."Ashanti. "And she came and hugged me" why did you leaving the door wide open? "She went and closed it." It's alright, calm down! Corey gone be okay,where the kids?""They was sleep shid ion know!""okay"She got up and looked around and went upstairs. She looked in each of they room.She came back down and said she had to make a call.She stepped outside "hello?"I couldn't hear what the other person was saying just her." Hello?,yea,come back,where are you,I'm sorry this happened, kids are fine,she distraught, she hurt,she crying, just come and make it better,now!"and she came back in and said Ashanti,take a nap we can talk another day take a nap...IMA just stay here in case the kids wake up.""okay"and I instantly went to sleep.
"Ashanti... Ashanti..... Ashanti" and I woke up. Corey was standing in my face.He was crying still it looked like.I set up"Corey...""Yea it's me.Ashanti I'm so sorry for what I did today.But the stuff he was saying I couldn't take." I jus sat looking at him."You probably want me to leave or get out for the night but I'm sorry! I put you and my kids in harms way!I will never do anything that stupid again!" More tears came.
"Ashanti I...."" Corey! Stop I know that your sorry.And I know you won't ever do it again.God thanks for the kids being okay!If not I don't know what j would've did.I love you too Corey. Stop crying and calm down"I hugged him sooo tight and he hugged me back even tighter. "Was you crying every since you left?"" Yea then jariyah called me.""Where is she?""She left when I came in the kids upstairs I talked to them and told them I was sorry.We talked about the situation. They forgive me!""Corey, go to sleep I'm coming back I gotta talk to the kids""okay."I went and made sure the kids were in their sleep clothes.Corey had put them in clothes.Jariyah ordered then something to eat and they delivered it here.They ate and was full.I tucked them in and made sure they went to bed.Then I met Corey upstairs and we cuddled and went to bed.

Jariyah POV *
So I guess Joey face was real messed up!!!! I texted him and asked was he okay we meeting up Toma.I'm going over his house.The kids been out the house since earlier. They coming back in two days.I'm nervous what if he needs help with something and we get too into the moment? I have missed my baby so very much since we ain't been together. Of course I still love him with all my heart.And nobody will ever change that truth is:we tell everybody we got a divorce but we only stopped wearing the rings. We both still have them.We talked one day I let him see the kids and we hope to get back together someday maybe.I just want him so much!!!
Joey POV*
I'm messed the fuck all the way up!!!!Jariyah coming over tomorrow. And hopefully something happen.But my face is totally messed up and I look ugly.IMA still try my tricks out on her.Cause he mines and forever be mines!!!Can't wait until tomorrow!!!

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