Our "Talks"

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Ashanti POV*
So I was up and I was thinking about my friendship with Jariyah. I was thinking about should I talk to her or let her try to do something. It seems like km always always always the one to fix something and try stuff first. No! Not this time. This time I won't fold and give in.IMA hard and strict about it. Just do they know!!! Corey shocked me last night though! He came out of the blew and said "baby...do you have any feelings for... Joey?"" I looked at him disgusted "why would you ask me that stupid shit?!" "Because I wanted to know!!!I mean y'all so close and I don't wanna let me thoughts wonder!Would you want that!!!!!!!!" "No! But you should be smart enough to know!You shouldn't even think....." And I stopped.I thought about how close I have been to joey lately and I let it marinate in. "Corey, nooooooo!I don't have anyyy feelings for Joey but love as a brother. And as the uncle of OUR kids!" He looked at me got up and walked out.I went to sleep.
Corey POV*
Me and the FAM been okay.But I been noticing how close she been with that bitch ass nigga joey!Ion like his luh punk ass no more! I promise if he say anything else to me IMA know his muthafuckin wigg cap all the fucking way back!I can't tell he like my baby.But he see me noticing and leave or go play with the kids or something! He know I ain't fucking dumb! I be seeing the way he be looking at her sometimes!!! Awe hell naw ion like that fucking shit! AT ALL! I know Ashanti don't got no feelings for him cause I had to ask her.I trust her enough to know she not gone ever lie to me and I know he enough to know when she lie.✊Thats my baby and she gone be mines forever!
Jariyah POV *
So today IMA text Ashanti and ask can I take her out so we can talk. Just me and her.Hopefully she can find somebody to watch the kids or have them stay with her nigga Corey.I still dislike him.And I hope she even respond to my text message! If not then ion know what IMA do. I need Ashanti back in my life I've been neglecting my kids a little bit because of my stress and I can't take care of all four alone anymore. I just don't know what to do!I shouldn't have been trying to be like Ashanti and had four little devil kids.But since I did I have tonstep up even more and take care of them more.They seen Joey still twice out of this entire time.I'm so done with him it don't make no sense.And I'm about to go text Ashanti right now.Bye!
Joey POV*
I tried to call Corey that nigga wouldn't answer! When I look at Ashanti how I used to look at jariyah like I got feelings for her I trhn around and he staring at me.He prolly then figured out that I do have feelings for her.He's not stupid or dumb oflr slow. But he does need to hear it from me.So I think I'll just call Ashanti and go by there.Hopefully he won't beat my ass or something. He just might I guess I'll wait and see.

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